To the soon to be squids on the 219....

This made me LOL.

This is true. A lot of the crashes last year it seemed were riders at fault. There wasn’t a large number of bikers getting killed because someone on a cell phone or turning into traffic from what it seemed. Most of the crashes were people riding like ass hats in triple digits every where they went, running from cops, or being drunk and they unfortunately paid the ultimate price. I love sport riding and have zero interest to ride like an ass hat and only ride with others who have the same view which keeps the odds as much as you can in your favor.

We also don’t need a post for every time someone sees people doing stupid things on bikes. People will ride like idiots. Most riders know the shoulder is full of debris esp this time of year and if they don’t realize that and the risks, then your post isn’t going to change that. If we started this trend, the boards will be full of people bitching about riders, drivers, pedestrians, and even bicyclists because what ever one you are in, you hate everyone else.

Lol juat

Sorry, my pregnant girl friend was skateboarding on a half pipe and crashed on her stomach. I had to make sure she was ok, so I goosed it the whole way there.

I like it when I hear about idiot riders offing themselves due to gross stupidity. Then, I hope that they offed themselves before spawning so their stupidity is removed from the gene pool. I was on the 290 the other day with the woman and she asked me what some roadside memorial shit was all about. I told her it was were some faggots died, and then we laughed and thought about how stupid they were. It was great.

when i see these douche nozzles flying up on my left side i always make an effort to put on my left turn signal and jack the wheel a bit in their lane at the last minute…seems to slow them down a bit

I live right next to the 219 and saw an overwhelming amount of stupidity on Saturday early afternoon when i was outside… by all means, keep your eyes out for the bikes… but at the same time… it will be their own stupidity that will unfortunately lead to their demise… its sad…

Someone tried to cut me off when I had the right of way. I passed them in someones lawn at a stop sign. They probably called the cops but I really don’t care.

While they may be riding over the speed limit, you doing this to make a point puts the rider, you, and other people near you at risk of them losing control and causing more of a crash by creating the possibility of sending a 100MPH fireball into your back seat or into another innocent driver.

Just open your door. Duh.

Or set up ratchet straps.

let me specify, I dont actually cut them off… just a quick weave, ive been riding for years and have absolutly no sympathy for assholes weaving in and out of traffic on the thruway, if you want to kill yourself go out and ride in the country where none else can get hurt by dumb ass antics

you should probably learn to control your FGGT ness. i dont know who the guys were, but those that youre referring to with the memorial were friends of people on this forum. way to go being a douchebag. again.

as for the original topic, yeah ive already seen alot of stupid driving already this year. doesnt suprise me that someone already went down. watch out for the bikers but you really cant do anything about the stupid ones. theyll take care of themselves and hopefully they dont take out anyone else when they go down.

Just don’t scratch my car on the way down…Thanks.

Callers on the radio this morning were bitching about all of the sport bike and Harley noise. It has gotten pretty annoying. It is just matter of time before one hits a deer/crashes near my house.

Ya you constantly hear people redlining their pipes. The sport bikers have the whine but holy crap are some of the Harleys loud.

It is like they are trying to out-do each other. lol
I don’t even watch a ton of southpark but it’s just too easy to reference!

Poor taste, Quattro. Poor taste.

On topic, is it trendy to hate everyone on two wheels? Because it sure seems that way. Oh well.

You know how it goes Moto, the rare few create the stereotype for the rest of us. I say rest of ‘us’ because I fully expect to own a bike again in the near future, lol.