To those who rant about cops...


Just because a drug dealer may have something doesn’t mean it’s not legal or is grounds to harass someone.

Shit drug dealers have all sorts of weapons and guns, I don’t see police pulling up to your local shooting range to pat you down or stopping you in your car to check your gunrack :roll:


lol at “legal grounds”. Have you ever seen the list of things police can pull you over for? They can make up legal grounds easy enough.

Profiling people is bad. Profiling cars on the other hand, meh. If I’m an APD cop and I see an older Lexus with 20+" chrome rims and younger people driving it, regardless of race, I’m going to stop it. It’s all about playing the odds and the odds are much greater with that vehicle that you’ll find something wrong. If there is something illegal about it even better (front plate, tint, exhaust, something hanging from the mirror etc).

And WTF do you have against the shooting range? Those are LAW-ABIDING citizens, much different than the drug dealers rolling around Buffalo.