To those who rant about cops...



My s2000 bone stock with everything legit - never pulled over.

I got to Amherst once, I hit the gas in 5th gear and my “removed air box cover” intake makes a noise and I get pulled over, asking me “how a young guy like me can afford a nice car like this.”

And no, I was not speeding, even 1 MPH over.


Illegal exhaust. Even though it wasn’t. Cops aren’t car experts.


Its both. Another example. Im driving my Lexus down Transit by Maple. In the passengers seat is a 270lb black guy… a doctor at ECMC.
We get pulled over by Amherst PD. Cop comes up asks for my info… checks it, comes back, and asks where we are coming from and where we are going. He gives my paper work back and says have a nice night. NEVER tells us why we were pulled over… My friends goes , “now you know what I have to deal with”. I was just like WHAT THE FUCK.


Never said what he got pulled over for.

[quote=“Toda Party,post:32,topic:39300"”]

blah, i come from nyc, where NO ONE EVER EVER gets pulled over for no front plate.

i’m just saying, the # of cops who died in the line of duty from traffic stops is i’m sure WAY LESS than other more “Respectable” lines of police work.

next time im in buffalo w/ my civic u can sit shot. i used to get pulled over and they’d recognize me “hey ur the guy with the stolen tires from don davis!”

“uhh fuck u”


No Front plate.

Am I missing something here??


Illegal exhaust. Even though it wasn’t. Cops aren’t car experts.


They sure act like them though. Funny, enforcing a law and not knowing what the law actually is. Illegal exhaust, but it wasn’t illegal. Do you hear yourself? :confused:


Never said what he got pulled over for.


Can’t say what you were pulled over for if you got pulled over for…nothing.


No Front plate.


No argument there. Put a licence plate on your front bumper, it’s the law in NY State.


Am I missing something here??


I think what you are missing is the generalization you make that all police stops are legit, and no one has a right to complain. Statements like:

Seriously? And this is part of law enforcement how exactly?

All the more reason to not fuck up, don’t you think?

Discretion? Based on location? Again I ask, are you serious? Do you hear what you just said?

If this is what you think (and I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t have said so if you didn’t) then it shouldn’t surprise you why many citizens would trust a drug dealer on the corner more than you (if and when you get your law enforcement job). Don’t be surprised if most people don’t give a flying fuck about officer deaths or their cause. The thinking and behavior of some in the law enforcement community fosters a reluctance to cooperate for tese

The way you think, I hope you don’t enter law enforcement. I don’t see how someone with thoughts like this can “serve and protect”. :shrug:


Never said what he got pulled over for.

Am I missing something here??


We got pulled over since there was a black guy in the car at 12:30 in the morning in Amherst…


Was this before or after you removed the giant chrome drug dealer rims that came on it? Maybe I have the wrong car but I swear I remember seeing pics of it on ubrf.

Sure, it’s profiling, but if I’m a cop and I’m not real busy I’m gonna pull over the older Lexus with the giant chrome rims just to have a look at what’s going on.


Its very difficult having a intelligent conversation with you since you talk to me like I was some fucking 15yr old, suburbanite, dumbass, ricer.
If the fucking Lexus was some ghetto piece of shit with fucking ghetto 22" chrome wheels then I wouldnt have BROUGHT UP GETTING PULLED OVER. (since I have some basic sense) We got yanked because there was a BLACK guy in the car. THATS IT.

My friends mildly hooked up Accord was just that. Nothing remotely obvious and deserving of cop attention. FUCKING MILDLY. Thats what I wrote, thats what I meant, and thats what it was. We dont need your regurgitated view of what was when its clearly spelled out.


Its very difficult having a intelligent conversation with you since you talk to me like I was some fucking 15yr old, suburbanite, dumbass, ricer.
If the fucking Lexus was some ghetto piece of shit with fucking ghetto 22" chrome wheels then I wouldnt have BROUGHT UP GETTING PULLED OVER. (since I have some basic sense) We got yanked because there was a BLACK guy in the car. THATS IT.

My friends mildly hooked up Accord was just that. Nothing remotely obvious and deserving of cop attention. FUCKING MILDLY. Thats what I wrote, thats what I meant, and thats what it was. We dont need your regurgitated view of what was when its clearly spelled out.


Yo thats pretty G.


Was this before or after you removed the giant chrome drug dealer rims that came on it?


Just because a drug dealer may have something doesn’t mean it’s not legal or is grounds to harass someone.

Shit drug dealers have all sorts of weapons and guns, I don’t see police pulling up to your local shooting range to pat you down or stopping you in your car to check your gunrack :roll:

I’ll just say this…

I’ve lived in the city of Buffalo my entire life. In person I have seen gang beatings, drug deals, fights, people doing drugs in broad daylight, cops just sitting in their cars, talking on thier phones while driving, and everything in between.

But yet while this shit goes on, I’m getting pulled over for 40 in a 30.

Why? BECAUSE IT’S EASY AND SAFE TO CATCH ME. That other shit takes effort.

It’s fucking nauseating…if you sign up for the badge, do the fucking job.

I applaud the suburbs (for this ONLY) for having fucking prick cops. I’ve been pulled by amherst ~10 times. NEVER ONCE, did they ticket me. If they got nothing going on. and they want to profile a young kid with long hair, driving a sporty car, then by all means. Don’t bother me one bit. At least they’re doing something.


Just because a drug dealer may have something doesn’t mean it’s not legal or is grounds to harass someone.

Shit drug dealers have all sorts of weapons and guns, I don’t see police pulling up to your local shooting range to pat you down or stopping you in your car to check your gunrack :roll:


lol at “legal grounds”. Have you ever seen the list of things police can pull you over for? They can make up legal grounds easy enough.

Profiling people is bad. Profiling cars on the other hand, meh. If I’m an APD cop and I see an older Lexus with 20+" chrome rims and younger people driving it, regardless of race, I’m going to stop it. It’s all about playing the odds and the odds are much greater with that vehicle that you’ll find something wrong. If there is something illegal about it even better (front plate, tint, exhaust, something hanging from the mirror etc).

And WTF do you have against the shooting range? Those are LAW-ABIDING citizens, much different than the drug dealers rolling around Buffalo.


Amherst was voted safest city in america because their fucking cops are up everyones ass 24hrs a day.


:sword: :mamoru: :lolham:

So you admit that Amherst is one of the safest towns in America because of how the cops do their jobs? Isn’t that proof positive that they are some of the best cops in America? Isn’t their job to keep us safe?

Oh, and we talked about Violator’s buddy’s car in my anti-cop-rant thread from a while back. It’s an accord with illegal tint, plus it’s lowered with aftermarket wheels.

I live in Amherst…I drive around 2-3am all the time and never get hassled…everything on my DD is legal…

Only issue I had was the my recent ticket with the firebird but thats directly related to me running open headers :lol:

I think people forget they are out at 12:30-4am…Most people out that late ARE drinking…which is what leads cops to make a lot of stops at the hours…

As I said then, no cops aren’t perfect. There are some crooked ones, and some racist douche bags that don’t deserve their uniforms.

But to get pissy about them enforcing the little laws you try to get away with breaking is lame. If you don’t want to get a little shit, don’t break the little laws. It’s pretty simple.

As Violator himself pointed out, one of the reasons that Amherst is one of the safest towns in America is because of the overbearing police presence.

It’s not the safest anymore since gay dentists decided to start killing gay patients over sex (or lack of).


It’s not the safest anymore since gay dentists decided to start killing gay patients over sex (or lack of).


It was the other way around. Gay dentist killed by gay patient.

But yeah, that pretty much cost us the title this year. Kid who killed him wasn’t from Amherst if that’s any consolation. :slight_smile:


It was the other way around. Gay dentist killed by gay patient.

But yeah, that pretty much cost us the title this year. Kid who killed him wasn’t from Amherst if that’s any consolation. :slight_smile:


Oops. So was it considered a hate crime then or does the patient being gay disqualify him? :rofl:

More of a lover’s quarrel? :shrug:

All I can say is it only takes one bad cop to ruin it for all the good ones that are out there.


All I can say is it only takes one bad cop to ruin it for all the good ones that are out there.


I will say this, of all the cops that pull you over and don’t give you a ticket, I would take a million of those guys because when they pull someone over and find handguns, drugs, or a general intenet to do bad things, it keeps the rest of us more safe.

That being said, getting tickets for BS things probably has two faces, one is because these guys have quotas to fill and the second is they are just pricks. I am willing to bet the pricks are far outweighed by the quota-cops.



Discretion? Based on location? Again I ask, are you serious? Do you hear what you just said?

If this is what you think (and I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t have said so if you didn’t) then it shouldn’t surprise you why many citizens would trust a drug dealer on the corner more than you (if and when you get your law enforcement job). Don’t be surprised if most people don’t give a flying fuck about officer deaths or their cause. The thinking and behavior of some in the law enforcement community fosters a reluctance to cooperate for tese

The way you think, I hope you don’t enter law enforcement. I don’t see how someone with thoughts like this can “serve and protect”. :shrug:


I generalized that most people getting pulled over are getting pulled over for a legit reason. So re-read all of my posts and find where I said that being getting pulled over without reason doesn’t happen at all?

The way I think is fine. Look at all of these post. People get pulled over in one area for something that doesn’t draw any attention in others. If you are doing 10 mph over in the city and the officer gets radar on you and doesn’t pull you over it was at the officers discretion to not pull you over. Mostly because that isn’t a priority over the more serious things that take place in the city.

I hope you don’t seriously think that a drug deal on the corner is more reputable than an officer that decides to not enforce every violation of the law that he sees, because without discretion that is what would happen.


Oops. So was it considered a hate crime then or does the patient being gay disqualify him? :rofl:


Neither, he was anti-dentite.