To those who rant about cops...

i love cops.

except nathan from NT : X


lol at “legal grounds”. Have you ever seen the list of things police can pull you over for? They can make up legal grounds easy enough.


I’m not talking about legal grounds. I said “legal” and “grounds to”. I.E. just because a drug dealer has 20 inch rims on his truck doesn’t mean I am a drug dealer because I have 20 inch wheels on my truck. That’s why I said “legal” and “grounds to”.

I already know that police can make up the rules as they go along. That is part of the problem.


I generalized that most people getting pulled over are getting pulled over for a legit reason.


Nobody has a problem with that.


So re-read all of my posts and find where I said that being getting pulled over without reason doesn’t happen at all?


It’s not that you said that it doesn’t happen, it’s the fact that you said it’s OK, and that you think it’s fine.

Start at post # 30. There’s where you started digging your hole. Or you can skip to post #42, where everything you said is in one spot.


The way I think is fine. Look at all of these post. People get pulled over in one area for something that doesn’t draw any attention in others. If you are doing 10 mph over in the city and the officer gets radar on you and doesn’t pull you over it was at the officers discretion to not pull you over. Mostly because that isn’t a priority over the more serious things that take place in the city.


And this is what is wrong.

To take your example, if 4 harleys are doing 10 over the limit (in the flow of traffic)and don’t get pulled over, and 5 minutes later 4 sportbikes pass by doing the exact same thing (in the flow of traffic)then that’s profiling. That’s wrong.

If 4 harleys doing 10 mph over the limit don’t get pulled over because the officer decides to go after the sportbike guy pulling a wheelie in the center lane, that’s discretion.

IF you are supposed to enforce, the law, then enforce the law. Then people won’t have a problem.

If you ever go to academy, make sure you pay attention when the ethics classes come up.


I hope you don’t seriously think that a drug deal on the corner is more reputable than an officer that decides to not enforce every violation of the law that he sees, because without discretion that is what would happen.


I didn’t say reputable. I said trust. Big difference. Try reading what I said without adding your own words, then what I am saying will make sense. That’s why the qoute feature is nice. You can put exactly what they said in front of you before you reply, so you know exactly what was said. See post # 49, where you quoted me. I’m pretty sure you won’t find the word “reputable” in anything I said.

You instill trust by being CONSISTENT. Inconsistency will not foster trust.


beautiful lines of the Civic

As for the Don Davis thing, I remember reading about it on UBRF but don’t remember the details. If I recall correctly it was pretty fucked up. In APD’s defense, at least they were looking into it. Same crime at a dealership in Buffalo and the only way it gets looked into is if some hoodlum beats a guy to death with the stolen rim and leaves it at the scene.



this was when i had first arrived into the buff. when the civic was turbo i always ran a front plate, more so to cover the intercooler as best as possible than anything else haha.

quick summary on APD

don davis pontiac gets steelies stolen off lot cars.
apd knocks on my door at 5 am one day, 3 cops stroll in (no warrant)
keep trying to get me to admit to stealing wheels and tires, saying i left a jack in the parking lot, they have my prints, they know my car has no interior so i can transport the wheels/tires (LOL) etc etc
i take them downstairs to my storage room, show them my slicks, ask them what brand tires were stolen (goodyears or some shit) i point out theres only mickey thompsons and nittos down here, now go harass someone else.

in retrospect i wish i would’ve taped them and gotten their names but ah well, humiliating them was good enough.

[quote=“Toda Party,post:63,topic:39300"”]

…saying i left a jack in the parking lot, they have my prints, they know my car has no interior so i can transport the wheels/tires (LOL) etc etc



reminds me of in FOUR BROTHERS, the old "we have your hair from the crime scene… :lol:

So Toda, was that the end of it? They came at you once, you pwned them, and they went away?


All I can say is it only takes one bad cop to ruin it for all the good ones that are out there.


:word: There are good cops…there are bad cops…I think most of them are good. And I think most of the time people get pulled over, its for a legitimate reason. It might not be for something major, but if you’re breaking a law, you’re breaking a law. And for those who bitch about the times you get pulled over for something dumb or small, think about all the times you got away with something a lot worse. I have to admit, I’ve been harassed before, but i’ve never been given a ticket for something I didn’t deserve.


All I can say is it only takes one bad cop to ruin it for all the good ones that are out there.


very very well put. A vast moajority of police officers in this country are good ones. When i say good ones i mean an officer who is able to folow protocol to a T and still be able to have the community not hate his guts. Officers who hand you a speeding ticket and you cant help urself from saying thank you officer and actually being happy as you drive away. And then there are the few bad cops that ruin it for all the good ones. I dont need to explain what a bad cop is because im sure its been said several times in several different ways in this thread

bad cops do slip into the force. the world isnt perfect face it.

Everyone’s outlook would certainly be different if they were on the other side of the line.

The increased risk of injury or death is what you sign up for when you go into Law Enforcement. It’s not a safe job. :gotme:



So Toda, was that the end of it? They came at you once, you pwned them, and they went away?


yeah it was 2 “regular” cops and one dude in a white uni, so some kinda Lt. or sgt. or something, like i said it was 5 am ( and i was quite :burnin: @ the time) so yeah they came in and tried to get me to admit to that shit for like 10 min and i was like ok, im tired, so im gonna show u my room & my basement and then u guys can leave, went downstairs, showed them the slicks etc, they WAKE UP my roommate who has a bio exam the next day, shine a flashlight in his face and ask “is your roommate hiding wheels and tires in here?”

my roomie, so confused is like “wtf, no…” and passes out again, lol

then i was like ok, anything else? “no…”

ok bye, goodluck w/ ur investigation, you’re doing a great job thus far.

closed the door.

didnt see them again until i was racing USApower after he got his car back and we were on the “loop” and i was pissing and he was adjusting his tire pressure, cops come, “hey ur the kid with the stolen tires”

“hey too bad that wasn’t me, u ever catch them?”

/glare “you trying to be funny? i can arrest you for indecent exposure”
i actually lol here



walks away…

anyone remember what we got that nite? i think it was “illegally parking on the side of a highway” IIRC