RateMyCop....police are pissed

Hahah new website that you can rate your officers by fairness, authority, and satisfaction.

News Coverage: http://cbs13.com/local/rate.a.cop.2.673410.html

Site was dugg today so you prolly wont be able to get to it until the servers recover from the digg effect.

how the hell did someone get every cops name?

Good, I like it. Maybe it will help police straighten out their crooked cops.

When people run into a cop, they put their name and badge number on the site and rate them…

“Having a website like this out there puts a lot of law enforcement in danger,” he said. “It exposes us out there.”

sucks to know you can now be outed for acting like a douche with a power complex.

hell, just in WNY alone on this site i’ve read multiple posts where people were harrassed for no good reason, other than the cops being d-bags.

+1 for outing retards

You get the cops name and badge number when you get a ticket.

I think its a good idea but the problem is gonna come up with someone posts, this “officer let me off for doing 92 in a 65!”

The cops name/last name/badge number are on tickets…and with the power of the internet you can get all the other info…

I guess if your not a shitty cop you have nothing to worry about?


considering how often people bitch about cops even when they are doing their job properly, I don’t know if I would even bother reading those ratings.

Hell the only way a cop could get good ratings is if he never wrote a ticket, and brought brownies to your window every time he pulled someone over.

Yea, I’m sure all of the ratings & comments are unbiased.

“Ossifer Jackson is a #%&@*%ing #(&bag because he pulled me over for my limo tints. #&(ing racist!!!111”

I could see if they were putting undercover cops in there.

or like their addresses

I’ve known about this for a while. this is a major problem… people will die or get hurt from this.

how do you figure?

Oh dear.

i prefer ratemypoo.com

much more worthwhile subjects being rated

Site is down now. What info is given besides name and badge number, something you already have from the ticket. Even if it’s got address the majority of those you can get by simply plugging a name into google. If you’re pissed enough that you’re willing to kill a cop I really doubt the lack of a website giving you his address is the only thing stopping you.


+1 for transparency

-1 for implementation

I’m sure an officer would get in trouble with his/her superiors if too many reports of “giving people a break” popped up. That would then in turn cut down on the “nice officers” and more people would cry when they got in trouble for breaking the law.

This could snowball into something huge.

I googled a cop that gave me a ticket once. Found his house even got a satelite image. phone number, more digging and i found what school his kids went to.

Internets a powerful place, Cops need to learn that they arent above the law and cant have powertrips.

That site should stay up, so people can see what is really going on, sure you can get let off and have a good day, but how often does that really happen.

If you are motivated you can find people, its not hard.