RateMyCop....police are pissed

^found you:)

Yep, I exist, Not hard.

I tried the site but:

Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

Someone post a name & office. I’m bored.

Police associations that represent more than 100,000 police and sheriffs in California are now seeking legislation to see if they can eliminate the site altogether. They say that officers who are rated face unfair maligning without any opportunity to defend themselves.


it’s their word against yours, bitch.

Kinda ironic how when you get pulled over, its the cops word vs yours and you never win… my how the tables have turned!

Retarded. A bunch of pussy hurt kids getting pulled over are just going to throw up a shit storm.

Kind of like nyspeeders.

“I didn’t do anything wrong! Why was he mean to me!?” Wah wah.

People need to grow a pair.

whatever. I’m sick of people jumping on the “i hate cops” bandwagon.

I think a place for feedback is a great idea. but based on the implementation and how ANYONE can sign up for this site is completely wrong. If the site is providing a list of REAL people with REAL identities, the site should require people to sign up as REAL people with REAL identities. and implement a system to verify that.

Again for the record, this is a bad thing for law enforcement officers. with the proper implementation, it would be a success, but based on what i have read and now seen with the site being live, it will be a breeding ground for spam.

but hey, what do I know.

eh, I don’t think it’s a bad thing. I’m sure there will be lots of hurt vag’s complaining on there, but at the same time I don’t see the legal problems with it. Sounds like the police are mad that they could be put in the spotlight.

as long as all the info is public information, then people have the right to know who’s working for them

this site is just a public forum for citizens to vent. no cop will ever experience repercussions based on the behavior posted on this site. now citizens on the other hand can definatly experience repercussions based on the behavior of the cop. so why are the cops up in arms over it? makes no sense to me.

The cops need to grow a pair… “Officer, it’s the internet, it doesn’t even count…”

Well put.


like the vid of that cop recently going off on the kid with a skateboard. sorry, but why shouldnt someone like that be outed for the twatwaffle they are?

^ they should. The issue is with how many people will make good cops look horrible.

i agree, but like said before, even if the site turned into a shit-throwing fest, i dont see how there would be any repercussions to the officer.

if this was being done by some form of government or agency and they allowed the responses to dictate course of action against an officer, then ya, it would be pretty crazy. but, i dont see how its any different than say I come here to NYS and post an officers name/badge # and cursing about him.

unfortunately, like you mentioned, thats 9/10 what it will be…a poo-fest

true ^

I highly doubt it would be of any real use as I cant see too many officials looking at it unless one cop in particular gets A LOT of bad, or good attention (which may be a good thing).

Who knows, it might evolve into something a little more credible which performance reviews are based upon. Give promotions and raises to the good ones, and demotions to the shitty ones.

a few years ago on dateline an undercover reporter went into like 20 police stations around Florida and asked for a formal complaint form. One cop almost attacked the guy, quite a few refused to even give him one unless “he told me what he wanted to complain about” or they just didn’t have them. Sucks for their constituents who do feel that they’re being singled out/violated.

/bleeding heart BS

that being said, I’m not a police hater. A majority of my experiences have been positive and I deserved the ticket if I got one.

What about when i go out for gas at night in cheektowaga and get followed the whole time. then for no reason get pulled over when i ask why they say dont worry ill let ya know, then after running my info and everything comes back ok ask to search the car, if i say no they say well you smell like you been drinking when i havnt had a drink in over a year so then after they get permission to search they rip the car apart break my glovebox trying to open it come back to the back of the police car where im sitting with no shoes on and a very wet and cold floor take my key so they can open my trunk and empty everything onto the snow covered street. when everything is gone through and they find nothing they let me out the car tell me to be on my way, and when again i ask why i was pulled over they just walk away get in there car and leave probably to do the same thing to someone else. Cops need to be held accountable and this sounds like the start to a forum for that internal affairs could find this a very valuable tool to find dirty cops.

^ now see that is what im talking about

this is exactly the shit that pisses me off about cops.
and unfortunately, its those few retards that make the good cops appear to be assholes

im not saying all cops are assholes but there should be a way to point out the ones who are there should be some way to complain unfortunatly you can only complain to other cops who look out for there own. this only seems to happen to me in cheektowaga any place else if i am doing something wrong and get pulled over im allways polite and respectfull and they either give me a break or i get a ticket and if i get a ticket obviously its for a reason and allways tell the officer to be safe and have a good day after all they are just doing there job and get way to much shit for it. but in cheektowaga everyone of them that ive run into has a fucking chip on his shoulder and needs to get laid its bullshit they way they treat people im still allways respectfull but get harassed anyways and theres nothing you can do about it. remembered the black kid few years back that got locked up and said something they didnt like so they ended up raping him with a broomstick or there batons like 5 cops and beat his ass and when he got out and made a complaint all of the tapes from that day magically disappeard and it became 5 cops vs 1 beat up black guy this is the shit that fucking pisses me off there never held accountable.

i got let off doing 90 down s.eldknaoiewood :headbang: