To those who rant about cops...

JayS, you ever get shit in Williamsville? I don’t.

Violator… Are you joking? What do you drive?




Exactly! I am going to school to get a law enforcement job and in no way am I interested in this for the $$$. There is money to be made by doing it but by no means will it make you rich.


If you don’t drive like a complete jackass or have illegal shit on your car APD won’t even look at you. And when you call them about a crime, they help. That’s a real cop. Protect and Serve ya know?

Anyone that knows me knows I drive very aggressively. I’ve lived and worked in Williamsville for over 5 years I have been pulled over once. I was doing at least 40 in a 30, sideways around the S curve by my work. Cop came up yelling, I just sat there and said, “yeah, I’m an idiot”.

Beauty of Amherst though, two tickets got dropped (unsafe tire and plate cover fixit tickets) and the third was dropped to parking (failure to keep right). I didn’t really fail to keep right, maybe the far rear corner, but the majority of the car was still right. :lol:


I dont have FUCKING TIME to stand in Amherst stupid fucking courthouse and deal with their bullshit view of “THE LAW”.
My Korean friend lived in Amherst and drove a new and very mildly hooked up Honda Accord. He drives normally to work every day and returns late. Stupid assholes pulled him over once a week for bullshit reasons. I have other experiences with them but I dont have the patience to recite that shit now.


So you feel safe in the city where there is an abundance of territorial violence and shootings, that make perfect sense I guess :gotme:.


I feel much more comfortable in such places… doesnt need to make sense to you.


very mildly hooked up Honda Accord.


Post all the examples you want. I’m sure there is something illegal on this “mildly” hooked up car. If you don’t like being harassed for breaking laws, even minor ones, don’t break them.

Or live in a shithole where “real cops” are too busy to work anything but murders. Don’t get upset when they’re too busy to help you with your stolen vehicle, or when some road rage asshole tries to run you over in a parking lot.

Bottom line, you’re never going to change your opinion of WNY suburbs, nor will you ever change the way the suburbs operate because the people that live there like it the way it is. Continue your righteous indignation about where you live. At least I’ve chosen to live somewhere I’m happy and proud to call home.


or when some road rage asshole tries to run you over in a parking lot.


lol, IM SURE that was completely random and unprovoked.


I feel much more comfortable in such places… doesnt need to make sense to you.


True, it’s you opinion and thought process, but your logic doesn’t even come close to being understandable, no matter who you are explaining it to.

Maybe the fact that you see BPD driving around more and not seeing them worrying about standard V&TL makes you think they are doing better things?


lol, IM SURE that was completely random and unprovoked.


Yeah, I laid on my horn when he changed lanes and almost drove me up on the sidewalk. That was it.


If you bitch about getting a ticket you deserve or the use of a tazer by officers, read this.


how many deaths from bullshit traffic stops?

bustin drug deals? fine, u got respect

pull me over for no fucking front plate and then hassle me cuz i drive a civic and im azn, go fuck urself.

or, show up @ my doorstep at 5 am and try to force me to admit to stealing PONTIAC wheels for my HONDA = the win, gg amherst pd

[quote=“Toda Party,post:29,topic:39300"”]

how many deaths from bullshit traffic stops?

bustin drug deals? fine, u got respect

pull me over for no fucking front plate and then hassle me cuz i drive a civic and im azn, go fuck urself.

or, show up @ my doorstep at 5 am and try to force me to admit to stealing PONTIAC wheels for my HONDA = the win, gg amherst pd


You got pulled over for a legit reason. I imagine you were pissed and wern’t the nicest person.

Can’t comment on the 5am thing since we don’t have details. Amherst is a bit overzealous so I can imagine it wasn’t pleasant.

You really think that not one death has occurred from a “bs” traffic stop? An ex con with gun/drugs in the car, person on probation with drugs/gun in the car are all logical reason why a “bs” traffic stop could result in death to an officer.

Azn people don’t have it bad in Amherst, that’s what the black people are for.


My s2000 bone stock with everything legit - never pulled over.

I got to Amherst once, I hit the gas in 5th gear and my “removed air box cover” intake makes a noise and I get pulled over, asking me “how a young guy like me can afford a nice car like this.”

And no, I was not speeding, even 1 MPH over.

blah, i come from nyc, where NO ONE EVER EVER gets pulled over for no front plate.

i’m just saying, the # of cops who died in the line of duty from traffic stops is i’m sure WAY LESS than other more “Respectable” lines of police work.

next time im in buffalo w/ my civic u can sit shot. i used to get pulled over and they’d recognize me “hey ur the guy with the stolen tires from don davis!”

“uhh fuck u”


Azn people don’t have it bad in Amherst, that’s what the black people are for.


Its both. Another example. Im driving my Lexus down Transit by Maple. In the passengers seat is a 270lb black guy… a doctor at ECMC.
We get pulled over by Amherst PD. Cop comes up asks for my info… checks it, comes back, and asks where we are coming from and where we are going. He gives my paper work back and says have a nice night. NEVER tells us why we were pulled over… My friends goes , “now you know what I have to deal with”. I was just like WHAT THE FUCK.

Man, now you guys know how I felt driving around with Rick late night in my Galant, trying to get some grub.

I never get any shit in Amherst. I WILL vouche for Depew being full of dickheads… Well, at least one dickhead, Officer Pic or however its spelled.

Howie, I think APD saw your head and thought you must have been on some kind of drugs because of its enormity. :rofl:

[quote=“Toda Party,post:32,topic:39300"”]






Profiling is a bitch. The whiter the neighborhood the more it’s going to happen, end of story. It sucks but it’s reality.

Policing isn’t the only profession in the world that has this problem but it is easily the most publicly visible.

Getting pulled over for petty shit sucks, but if it’s in the books the officer has a right to. It gets annoying but discretion is based on location and important. In the 5th safest city in America they probably write J walking tickets.


Man, now you guys know how I felt driving around with Rick late night in my Galant, trying to get some grub.


Oh do tell. Don’t even get me started on Amherst’s finest. Don’t need the money my ass.


Profiling is a bitch. The whiter the neighborhood the more it’s going to happen, end of story. It sucks but it’s reality.


Oh so it’s reality, and we shouldn’t bitch? Because… what was your reason again? :bloated:


Oh so it’s reality, and we shouldn’t bitch? Because… what was your reason again? :bloated:


I’m pretty sure my reason was people here bitch for getting pulled over for a legit reason. The topic turned to profiling and then I agreed that profiling is a legit reason to bitch. Reading comprehension maybe?

If you get pulled over for no front plate and are black/asian/hindu/etc you got pulled over for a legit reason. If you get a hard time because you are a minority then that is not fair, but a reality that it is going to happen, and it sucks.


Its both. Another example. Im driving my Lexus down Transit by Maple. In the passengers seat is a 270lb black guy… a doctor at ECMC.
We get pulled over by Amherst PD. Cop comes up asks for my info… checks it, comes back, and asks where we are coming from and where we are going. He gives my paper work back and says have a nice night. NEVER tells us why we were pulled over… My friends goes , “now you know what I have to deal with”. I was just like WHAT THE FUCK.


Was this before or after you removed the giant chrome drug dealer rims that came on it? Maybe I have the wrong car but I swear I remember seeing pics of it on ubrf.

Sure, it’s profiling, but if I’m a cop and I’m not real busy I’m gonna pull over the older Lexus with the giant chrome rims just to have a look at what’s going on.

[quote=“Toda Party,post:32,topic:39300"”]

blah, i come from nyc, where NO ONE EVER EVER gets pulled over for no front plate.


Yeah, well in Amherst they pull you over for it. The more mundane the vehicle, the dumber you look thinking it’s exempt from the plate law, so the more it gets pulled over. Aka, you drive some econo car not an exotic. The beautiful lines of the Civic are not disturbed by a plate, nor is it’s value going to decrease if it has plate mounting holes. Everyone knows APD will pull you over for a missing front plate who continue to run without one deserve getting harrassed. Slap the plate on and it’s like a magic cloaking device.

As for the Don Davis thing, I remember reading about it on UBRF but don’t remember the details. If I recall correctly it was pretty fucked up. In APD’s defense, at least they were looking into it. Same crime at a dealership in Buffalo and the only way it gets looked into is if some hoodlum beats a guy to death with the stolen rim and leaves it at the scene.


I’m pretty sure my reason was people here bitch for getting pulled over for a legit reason. The topic turned to profiling and then I agreed that profiling is a legit reason to bitch. Reading comprehension maybe?



Azn people don’t have it bad in Amherst, that’s what the black people are for.


Oh I comprehend just fine. :roll2: You’re doing an awesome job so far.