To those who rant about cops...


So Toda, was that the end of it? They came at you once, you pwned them, and they went away?


yeah it was 2 “regular” cops and one dude in a white uni, so some kinda Lt. or sgt. or something, like i said it was 5 am ( and i was quite :burnin: @ the time) so yeah they came in and tried to get me to admit to that shit for like 10 min and i was like ok, im tired, so im gonna show u my room & my basement and then u guys can leave, went downstairs, showed them the slicks etc, they WAKE UP my roommate who has a bio exam the next day, shine a flashlight in his face and ask “is your roommate hiding wheels and tires in here?”

my roomie, so confused is like “wtf, no…” and passes out again, lol

then i was like ok, anything else? “no…”

ok bye, goodluck w/ ur investigation, you’re doing a great job thus far.

closed the door.

didnt see them again until i was racing USApower after he got his car back and we were on the “loop” and i was pissing and he was adjusting his tire pressure, cops come, “hey ur the kid with the stolen tires”

“hey too bad that wasn’t me, u ever catch them?”

/glare “you trying to be funny? i can arrest you for indecent exposure”
i actually lol here



walks away…

anyone remember what we got that nite? i think it was “illegally parking on the side of a highway” IIRC