Toilet Paper Survey

Do you fold or crumble…?

what if you do both? LOL

fold fold fold, crumble for strength…

i fold that ish

fold, gives u more area coverage

It’s sort of a mix between both.

According to the article, folding = reusing the same fucking paper! UGH, Gross as hell!

they say you can fold to refold it and use another part. i would be scared.

ive always folded.

how many passes do you make too? just one and drop it in or do you take a few at it before you get a new piece?

Roll out have the paper scrub bunghole… place in toilet. grab another mitt of paper quick wipe any brown, scrub and grab new piece. repeat until bunghole is clean

what’s toilet paper? :gotme:


should have asked top to bottom or bottom to top. OR standing or sitting.

Bottom to top, standing, but bent at 30 degrees

Reach out window grab leaf than have at it.
Hose also works just as well.
Sandpaper sux tho.

my dog cleans my ass and then we make out



I have this rag I just put over the door handle. I have a hard time reaching :frowning:

knees bent?