Toll workers...

nicole, this story has nothing epic about it and u fail hard.


It wasn’t supposed to be epic! I was weirded out/fascinated by how this kid acted like my best friend.

He was being personable quit being so cold.

I’m sure if u sat around in an outhouse shaped, outhouse smelling, drafty ass booth all day, youd want a friend as well.

Yea because i’m going to go out of my way to get off the thruway to break a bill so the toll booth guy dosen’t have to take an extra 5 minutes out of his day to give me change. He gets paid for a reason…

right but all he deals with all day is less <$5 transactions, most of which is probably coins.

idk why i got so amped about it, my bad. :hug :rofl


yea nicole! wtf? the world doesnt revolve around u ya know! jeez

Damn. :frowning:

I do have to say, if I was working there and an attractive girl rolled up, I’d try to chat her up for sure. I’d still crash and burn, but I’d try.

I think you would blush, drop your change, stumble over your words, and drive away sheepishly, possibly even miss a gear.

true dat. but its nice when you find em.

Right. But this is n!cole we’re talking about. So what was this guys excuse? :slight_smile:

coming back from turning stone at 4am in the toll plaza at 24 we were talking to the lady for a good minute or two. We had to pay with a 20 and get change. She saw the exit we came from and goes “Ahh I see you guys were out losing all your money” We talked for a couple min she was cool as hell, and to be honest also seemed baked. I think in order to be a cool toll worker you must also smoke pot.

I’m pretty sure it’s got to be the only way to make that job not suck balls.

Well, you’re with me. So now what’s YOUR excuse? :haha

the ONE thing i couldnt possibly do out of that list is…? anyone? anyone?

Miss a gear.

Ding ding ding

I lost a bet :frowning: