tonight's snow storm

Looks like we’re in a little bit of a gap right now, but a big band is almost here.

thats not the heart of it sir, the big stuff is just getting through PA.

wewt snow

Only 2-4 inches of hard packed snow on the roads downtown. Should be a fun drive home once my shift ends.

You guys are complaining about being warned for this storm? What do you want them to do, not say anything at all?

The same thing happens every year. Get used to it.


i cant wait so i can take my crappy blazer and finally use the thank god i found my tow strap.


Hey watch it asshole. That was my crappy blazer!! PS. The dude I bought it from put that tow thing on, so I wouldn’t trust it.

ok so i was wrong… damn u mother nature

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:97,topic:24479"”]

Or he can just shave his vagina and chop that shit up like I just did for 2 hours.

It’s snowing pretty nicely in p-town.


Fuck that noise, I’m lazy. :lolham: Having winter capable cars > shoveling.

this snowstorm is weaksauce. i predicted it to be a bust all day, and it looks like it is, around here anyway. northtowns =/ snow.

[quote=“Bsp TC,post:40,topic:24479"”]

ugh i cant decide if i wanna go riding tomorrow, finish up my tattoo, or spend v-day with the gf

she says to go ride, but if i do she will get mad, its a lose lose situation.


Did you forget I’m on here loser

Silly boy, go ride

I seriously don’t care :slight_smile:

Wasn’t even a white out, it was more of a snow fart than a terrible storm.

I want the NOISE to be brought!

Weeeeeeakkkkk sauce snow.

Looks like the weather guessers got it wrong again…What a f’n job to have.

:gotme: they said 8-12" in the city by the afternoon today, and I’d say we got around 6" so far in the city. Its been drifting around a lot though so there are a lot of bare spots.

General snowfall from storms rarely matches the intensity of lake effect squalls.

I was hoping for a lot of snow because it makes the cold more exciting, but once its over all that extra snow is just a pain in the ass.

The roads were actually fairly shitty this morning. Despite my snows I got beat off the line by a school bus on my way to work. I redeemed myself and put busses on that bus by the time I hit 30. :ricerflyby:

:cjerk: :ohnoes:


The roads were actually fairly shitty this morning. Despite my snows I got beat off the line by a school bus on my way to work. I redeemed myself and put busses on that bus by the time I hit 30. :ricerflyby:

:cjerk: :ohnoes:


Yeah the roads were pretty bad. It was like the plow guys didn’t know the snow was coming.

I got a solid foot plus drifting from the wind.


Yeah the roads were pretty bad. It was like the plow guys didn’t know the snow was coming.


No, it’s just like I posted earlier. Plow guys can keep up with a 4 mile wide lake effect band. When 8-10" of snow gets dumped from Ohio to Quebec, it’s a little harder to keep up with.

Not to mention with this wind the snow blows right back into the road 10 minutes after they plow.

No matter, I was rocking people off the line with the 4x4 Expedition with all terrains. :smiley:

Maybe 5" here. After the wet 3’ on Super Bowl Sunday, this seems like a joke. :gotme:

I had no problem getting around, but the 3 broken down pos’s on the 90 really slowed things down for me…

2 pontiacs and 1 mopar :tdown: all within 200 yards