tonight's snow storm

ya, the blowing snow kills you, I drove for work last night till 9 then went and picked up a friend that had wrecked on the 190. and drove them around till 11. than went and played I did newman a curb just a little rash but all in all not bad, parking lots that weren’t drivin in had dry spots that sucked.


Did you forget I’m on here loser

Silly boy, go ride

I seriously don’t care :slight_smile:




No matter, I was rocking people off the line with the 4x4 Expedition with all terrains. :smiley:


And then they were rocking by you while you filled you’re $60 gas tank that will barely last you at all on your 15MPG guzzler.


Oh, and this storm was a huge letdown.

Few inches. Granted it is heavy packed snow, but shit. Chump change compared to the few feet that fell last weekend.

I didn’t even need to shovel the end of the driveway to get out this morning.


And then they were rocking by you while you filled you’re $60 gas tank that will barely last you at all on your 15MPG guzzler.:bloated:


Hey asshole, I drive 4 miles a day, round trip, to work. How far do you drive? Bet you’re at a gas station more than me.

done and over there yet? woke up to all the cars are mounds and someplace 2-1/2-3ft of snow its still snowing hard as hell


Did you forget I’m on here loser

Silly boy, go ride

I seriously don’t care :slight_smile:


decision has been made

gf > snowboarding

theres always next wed to go riding


You know what sucks?

Bsp TC’s girlfriend reads what he posts on NYSPEED. THAT sucks.


All the hype…and no where near 12" fell last night.

Fuckin weather man, Damn i want that job, today strong winds will cause a hurricane off of lake erie to be followed by an earthquake. What a job… get to just read off a screen and make up shit off the top of your head. I call bullshit channel 4, you should come plow my driveway of the 5inches you said to be 12-16.



You know what sucks?

Bsp TC’s girlfriend reads what he posts on NYSPEED. THAT sucks.


Hahaha No actually, I was reading this thread and saw that.

PS- I’ve been on here longer than he has :slight_smile:

I dont remember once they were dead on…or even close.

yeah didnt get much snow, maybe 3-5 inches but the drifts were about 3 feet in my driveway this morning. I plowed the driveway with the s4.



Hahaha No actually, I was reading this thread and saw that.

PS- I’ve been on here longer than he has :slight_smile:


i have been on here longer…

seeing as i bsp tc am iamjeff6 from before

so i win

anyways anyone bored and wanna make a small kicker somewhere and ride???

our 4-8" of snow turned to 1/2" of snow, 2 hours of freezing rain, and 4" of sleet

PS, I pwn everyone with my snowtires around here, plows included.

What’s NYC like with 4" of sleet?

Just dug my way out of 8 inches. Where’s April? Can the federal government move spring up to match the new DST standards? Please?