tonight's snow storm

I didnt get much,just some nasty ass drifts.

Some parts of my driveway were bare and others had waist deep snow.:bloated:

These got passed around at work. I thought they were pretty cool

we got over a foot and a half here in rochester, supposed to be another foot by morning


What’s NYC like with 4" of sleet?


a taxi graveyard.

Here in Tonawanda id say we got a foot or so

heres a pic I took on my ride in this morning with my cell to give an idea of the amount of snow I have out by my house.




I knew that was coming but it was still funny as hell.

The prediction was 8-14" of snow, with bad blowing and drifting.

There was about 8" of snow at my house, and several sections of my driveway were over 2 feet with the drifts. The roads sucked in a lot of places yesterday because shortly after the plows would go through the winds would blow the drifts right back into the road.

So to me, the weather guys got it right. Just because it says 8-14 with the possibility of 2 feet doesn’t mean 2 feet guaranteed. And there were certainly areas that got the 2 feet from this storm.


Just dug my way out of 8 inches. Where’s April? Can the federal government move spring up to match the new DST standards? Please?


I nearly got stuck yesterday at the end of your driveway. :cry: