Tony240 bought a TSX?
It’s obviously not him, but hilarious thread and same modus operandi.

^ oh no not this again

lol this guys gonna go off. someone ban this idiot.

Levitra - This is a thread about sCammers, not sPammers, GTFO.

when i was a newb i bought some parts of tony for my 240 now that i think of it they were probably all stolen.

he used to drive a white altima with chrom rims right?

Cool stuff!

Finally finshed reading it…owned. Good post Antonio!

Reminds me of some sketchy members here who have signed up with several different user names and continue to sell sketchy goods.

Unfortunately, they’re still here.

I cant believe people still remember Tony240.

oh you missed the one month long viagra/porn virus lol

Yes he did.

Freaken Yorkdale mall, they have security that does nothing, my friends Lexus GX470 got broken into there and security didn’t even notice even though his alarm was blaring, my other friends Audi S4 was stolen with a tow truck in front of Sears and his alarm was on and blaring too, my mom’s car was hit and security didn’t see anything or even check to see if it was caught on tape and I had a customer at the dealership that had his front custom Dub grill riped off his Escalade at Yorkdale.
Security there is weak, It’s either they do notice the crimes going on or they are just too scared to stop a crime in progress, the only thing they know how to do is stop some little kids from shoplifting or they are in on it too.
They see nice cars pull in there all the time, they contact the theif and they get their share. And the only reason I say that is because when my friends Audi S4 was stolen by a tow truck, on the video you can clearly see the security guy drive by twice and do nothing. He could of said something to the tow truck driver like “where is the owner?” Or “who do you work for?” since the tow truck had no name on it and no plates. And his alarm was on too why didn’t the security guy question the tow truck driver, maybe he was in on it and knew what was going on?

i just remember that I infact meet him at the yorkdale mall. sketchy

That isn’t an altima…

says i need to be a member in order to see the surveillance pics. can someone post them, thx.

yea yorkdale sucks… my buddys RSX-S was stolen off the main lot infront of Famous Players and a rental i had once was scratched to shit just inside of one of the parking garages!

wow i never woulda thought yorkdale can be so bullshit…