took the baby and wife for a ride on the bike


wow awesome…
Xposted from sportriders :smiley:

wow just wow

You have to have a special license to ride a bike but anyone can have a kid… So to these really surprise anyone?

at least you don’t have to hear the kids bitching…

can someone rehost?

lol… this really goes well with your custom title

Unbelievable :picard:

That is fucked-up


this work?

lol. yes. thx. hahahahaha

natural selection.

When I was in Europe it was common to see 3 or 4 people on scooters.

yea you guys obviously haven’t seen pics or been to a third world country.

a whole family on a scooter/moped is common. Hell, I even rode 2 people on a moped back in vietnam.

hmmmmmm so what is the fatality rate for auto crashes in these other countries?

very low compared to the US. Theres so much traffic that avg. city speeds are like 15-25 mph in Vietnam. I was going 40 KMPH and was passing everybody lol. So accidents are common but are very minor. Motorcycle accidents are much more dangerous here because speeds are so high here.