Top 5 "fastest street cars" on NYSpeed?

Or who pays someone else to do it?
I don’t have mad skillz so even if I had a fast car, people would be like “yeah, so what you didn’t build it”?

TIMMY,TurboLs1,Big Hands,Choda,FASTMOFO,… who are them last three people :stuck_out_tongue:

dude, the sexual innuendo in your username is AWESOME

lol @ this thread. there’s so many variables to “fastest street car.” maybe if there was one guy on here with an 8 second daily driven hand built car that he made for $1000 that pulls 1.5gs we’d have a definitive answer.

until that, we should just respect that A LOT of people this year have truly quick cars.

I for one am pumped to be in the 12s, so you guys aiming for 9s… oh man.

Thread title should be, “Who here runs a 10 second 1/4 mile or lower in a street car”. Then you can get a list going of people who have really fast cars.


well, here is an old time slip of mine. car on the right lane.

Thought they said fast cars ?


the one in your sig is faster. lol

Why isnt that one in your sig?

Then again Define street car.
My car is fairly quick but could be a whole lot faster if i didnt care about drivability etc…

I would assume something you can register and pass inspection?

really? REALLY? :stuck_out_tongue:

Naa thats too broad. I Think a real street car gets driven. Like at least 1,500-2000 miles a year

meh, you wanna make me one? lol

We need to come up with a definitive NYSpeed 1/4 mile leader board. I’ll get on that ASAP.

doug …
title says " top 5 fastest street cars."
so get lost. and you need 38 more posts :wink:

9.8 1/4 @ 130 letting off (to much gear)
10.4 1/4 @ 130 on motor
6.0 1/8 on spray @116
6.6 1.8 motor @ i forgot
1.29 60ft with back tires ! :slight_smile: (on spray)

I know Timmy, I was using it as an example. And the post counter doesn’t work for shit. I’ve posted a lot more than 12 times LOL.