Well, this a post of a video about top gear and rednecks in alabama, and you bring up New Orleans being in ruin?
- Wrong state.
- Not rednecks.
- Nothing to do with Top Gear.
- I don’t give a shit that NO is still in ruin. If we spend a bazillion dollars building it back up another hurricane is just going to fuck it up again. It’s surrounded by water on 3 sides, and is below sea level. And with the rising sea levels the global warming camp is predicting, it’s only going to be farther below sea level. Give it up, it wasn’t meant to be.
- Now that I’ve posted that, which is probably the response you were trolling for from someone, this thread will turn into a political flame fest.
Top Gear went to NO and brought up most of these points… it’s pretty relevant if you ask me.
Though I do agree with point #4.