Top Gear crew attacked by rednecks

HAHA, they both were great. Kinda makes me ashamed of some of my countrymen.

A giant car sized sandwich board would be nice.

there is a scene in die hard 3 where john mclane (bruce willis) is forced to wear a sandwich board sign that says “i hate niggers” in the middle of harlem.

he then gets a bottle smashed over his head.

i was looking for a screenshot of that. It seemed appropriate.

i forgot about that.

25 posts and no Jeg or MonteCarloChick? … slackers

:rofl: hahahahahahaha

Ha Ha thats Hilarious, although just cause there uncivilized hicks doesnt mean we should go fuck with em, Stupid bastards.

Nascar does suck.

People are awesome lol


A few google searches of a mix of the following terms did not yield the screen caps i was hoping for:

“i hate niggers”
mista meeclaaane whaaaa aaahhhh zeee detonattaaasss!?!?!

but did unearth some hilarious pictures.


LOL!!! I found it on youtube…


^ that makes me want to watch that now

I can’t believe their producers let them paint their cars like that. In the deep south :lol: . Bet they never do that again!

They are soooo lucky the camera crew diverted the attention of the “boys”, otherwise Hamster and James would be D-E-D.

so where can i download top gear full episodes? can someone sticky it please?

And it’s really sad that after over a year New Orleans is still in ruins. WTF.

Off topic much?

Ew. Imagine being a teen and gay in the south. Yuck. No washing away the gay there. Not even coke…although I’m sure many probably try…



check this one out



Only real reason I hate going south, whole lot of people there with fixed views that. That feel they should be inflicted on everyone.


And it’s really sad that after over a year New Orleans is still in ruins. WTF.


I couldn’t believe it was still in that condition when they went there. Simply insane.

WOW… Thanks you rednecks… Thanks for making the US look tolerant… Buncha moronz.

I like this one… but I still think my fav episode is where he drives the audi TD on 1 tank of gas…




Sorry for the double Post

Fake is right… They aren’t rednecks… they Say EH wayyyy too much… they are from the north country eh? Annnnd They dont cower enough when a gun is brought out.


Off topic much?


What’s offtopic about what I said?