Totaled ///M3.. Stupid, Lucky, Weird.

Actually road racers do it all the time for two reasons, mainly to check for fade/pressure, and to transfer weight (making the nose dive for turning), or should I say smoothen the weight transfer when setting up for a turn.

Their circumstances are far different from your average driver on the road however. That guy is still an idiot. He probably doesn’t even know how to properly brake check. In actuality, I’ll bet he “stabbed” the brake and upset the car, causing him to lose control. If he had just hit the brakes hard (steady), he might have not spun out. :shrug:

that’s pretty damn reassuring/great car
glad you’re alright but slow the **** down-god forbid you hit someone in a honda…

this is post 94 on the other forums :lol:

He probably doesn’t even know how to properly brake check. In actuality, I’ll bet he “stabbed” the brake and upset the car, causing him to lose control. If he had just hit the brakes hard (steady), he might have not spun out. :shrug:

I went out one night about 6 months ago and topped out my car and I also wanted to see if I could fade the brakes which is somehting I have never previously been able to do since the upgraded brakes, so I was going XXX (on a deserted road) and I slowly but firmly applied the brakes untill they were 100% and I’ll tell you there is a unique fealing to killing 100mph in 3 seconds that really can’t be described it really has to be expierenced but its not somehting that I would ever want to do again because I lost focus on the road durring braking at which point I let off the brakes and me and my passanger just had a WTF expression like is that possible did we really slow down that fast?.. and no the brakes didn’t fade, definately not sticking up for this fool in any way but everyone on here knows they have done their fair share of things they wish they wouldent have done and or will not admit to having done.

I just don’t underestand how someone can have a sever accdent like that and shrug it off and go on about their business like nothing happened that is fucked up.

shit, sure enough. I had to adjust my search terms.