town of hamburg police mustang

Today on Camp Rd I saw a 2002ish Hamburg cop mustang, looked like a v6 though. Anyone see this?

prolly a new dare mobile

DARE to be a poser with a v6.

ive seen it a bunch of times. v6 mustangs are sweet :roll2:

Why would they waste the money for a GT if it’s just a DARE car? :gotme:


DARE you to run me at a stoplight so I can entrap and arrest your punk ass!

If that thing even tried to run somthing moderately fast it would dissapear before he could get an ID on him. Its only gonna be useful for ricer entrapment.

He’d still get a license plate, unless the cop was blind. That would be one talented driver.

The car was donated to the dept, & its for Snky traffic stops hence the no letters on the front or back just the sides.

<<— lettered it last fall. i have pics somewhere.

ubher :snky: …

soooo all this talk about entrapment…but isn’t that illegal for cops to do?

v6 power.

on the road, no. You’re supposed to know the law and not be intimidated by anyone to break it.

Yeah def a 6 everyone out there talks it up to be better but not so much. The car was some kids that got taken away…

‘‘but officer, a scary looking man wanted to race me, i thought he might honk and shake his fist at me if i didnt’’

and i havent seen the car but i agree that theres no sense in it being a V8 if its just a dare car.

y its a marked police car

its not a dare car. I saw him pull someone over a couple weeks ago.

it was accualy the guy who killed his wife and burried her at tiff farms…it was his car…now its just another crown vic…nothig special…i think the crown vic is accualy faster than that car lol!

your close. i believe it was the wife’s car. since some of the interior was replaced (cut out as evidence). The family donated it to the police i believe for finding the murderer. and if i recall it is a 281. which is the same as a vic but quite a bit lighter.