Trader feedback: 3sny.

Thumbs up to all that acctully got through to him on the phone.

edit because i was thinking of the wrong guy…

shitty deal, sorry to hear brosef

this thread rules.

Everyone seems to like this kid

Yeah, Mark sold him something and since I was in Rochester I offered to deliver it to the kid when I got back to Buffalo he was supposed to meet me and pay what he owned Mark (neonglh) and then I’d just hook Mark up next time I was at my parents house. We’ll he dicked me around on meeting time, ignored my phone calls (sent to voicemail) and then texted me like a day and a half later asking if I was still around. I was so I told him yes, and to call me and I could still meet up with him. He texts back saying fine he gets out of “work” in an hour and he’ll call me then. No call, I call him, actually get ahold of him, tell him where I am, he says fine he’ll be there in 2 hours, fine. I wait 6 hours before saying screw it and heading out for the night. Dbag.

he bought a CF hood from me and picked it up from my house

+1 for me

He wanted to buy my turbo and we agreed to meet on my lunch. I was there, he was not. Made some excuse why he couldn’t make it. So I sold it on ebay.

he obviously wasnt at wegmans…that shit pissed me off. for fucking 10 dollars it wasnt worth it. i know why youre pissed tho lol

3sny is viewing thread waiting on hiis reponse to all the maddness hahah

i like this thread ive had shitty experiences with him too!! For all the bad ones ive had 2 good ones, ive bought and sold tons of stuff without issues and tons with issues.

yes to those ive dicked around im sorry. [SIZE=2]silvergt your a good guy ive done business with u several times and sorry for the hassle, no excuses. Ian and Anthony you guys i had good experience with to,the thing at wegmans i was running late and Ian i know what your pissed , im sending u a pm now to clear it up. Choko i still bought the rims from you[/SIZE]

this is bout to get really good or really lame


this doesn’t clear up the ugly and poor accusations.

Actions Speak louder that words my friend, so only time will tell.

Hmm so he is ugly and poor ehh. Dude you might as well dead yourself.

he’s contacted me numerious times for parts, says wants things and never comes threw. -2 from me

Doensnt that accusation go for the majority of nyspeed ?

pics? and bank statements?

yes newman i know it does clear it up im not trying to hide it , i have done shitty transactions and hassled people around. Each time i have was to either get something at a better price or sell something for more. i apologize to the people i pissed off.

ive done business with alot on here with no issues ever. and im sure im not the only one who has done this kind of stuff.

To haggle a price pre sale is one thing, to call and say i only have xx.xx is another. If one of my customers wants to bargain with me sure i will play ball. If they walk in the front door 5 hours late and after we have agreed on a price and tell me they are short $10 I say GTFO! That is not doing business, that is being a douche bag and wasting someone elses time.

but the difference is i still bought the stuff, and that was one time a year ago