traffic lawyer needed?

hey guys i need a traffic lawyer from edmonton…does anyone have a number for a good one?

i cannot make it up there to fight the ticket so i need a lawyer!

i got a damn stunting ticket for mooning someone on whyte ave and it says i was “stunting on highway”

402 for showing my ass…people should pay me to see my ass!

HAHA anyways any help would be good


Point out that whyte ave isnt a highway and that you were merely changing your pants in the vechicle. But ya if you cant make it, you either pay it or pay for someone to represent you is my guess.

i wasnt in a vehicle! i was walking

And they gave you a traffic ticket? That would be super easy to get thrown out of court!

you can send someone on your behalf to fight the ticket (a friend did that for me and there were no issues with the whole process) or just hire points or something like that.

WHAT HAHAH thats the funiest shiet by far. how can u get a traffic violation when you aren’t even in the vehicle. what you did is indicent exposere not stunning. and you don’t need a traffic lawer becouse it isn’t a traffic violation. its like being intox in public ,etc
go to court yourself or go to court any day before trial date see a justice of pease and request to speak with prosecutor , explain to him the cop is dumb ass pig thats waisting taxpayers money on trails like this and should learn the difference between traffic law and other types of law criminal…etc…considering he is an officer of law (and you are a taxpayer who pays his sallary and pays legal trails ) . and he is also trying to ruin your car insurance, by charging you with a serious traffic offence which you haven’t comited

defenition of stunning is spinning tires drifting encoraging to race , if the crime you comited doesn’t meet the legal description , than you obviosly haven’t comited the crime.
they trying to charge you with, but get it cleared up otherwise insurance will rape you in that ass you were showing off you criminal hahah

if it goes to trail that will be some funny shiet when cop testifies. :partyman:

if a cop writes up a ticket wrong or incorrectly it should automatically be thrown out

HAHAHAHA that’s probably the best and stupidest reason I’ve heard for getting ticketed in my life. I commend you.

Believe it or not stunting can be construed as anything that would distract drivers from their task at hand; driving. And you don’t have to be in a vehicle to get ticketed. A girl walking around topless could be given a ticket for stunting, even someone wearing a gigantic sandwich board by the roadside. It’s such a broad definition so it’s hard to fight.

B-Wurm :smiley:

Also, if you look in the Traffic act, a “highway” includes roads, alleys, boulevards, avenues, sidewalks, paths, highways, freeways, and anything else that has traffic on it. or I may be wrong, but thats what I remember reading.

yes that is correct.