Day time yes and tint yes and high up truck yes so i plan to use that if all else fails… im going to first tell the judge that i had it on… as my first statement… and use my whitness as proof… but if i need to defend myself and use an excuse for why i think the cop couldnt see… i will most definitly use all of the above… also … the cops were on the east side of my truck as i passed
them… i was driving… wearing a god dam parka lol … theres no way he could have seen me…possibly my passenger but that is highly unlikly i was staring the cop down and there was also no radar visable.!!! AND! the PASSENGER cop said he was the one who radar’d me… and also saw i was " not" wearing my belt… so… from his passenger side… saw all the way accross threw 2 heads to me
me heading down
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cops [gay]
so the passenger cop… closest to the line i drew… saw me… the driver… on the right side of the screen… with no seat belt? anyways im wasting space here, i will let you know how it goes… thanks again