tranny no 5th

i went to get onto the high way and my tranny had no 5th its like there is something broking it from going in. and 3 and 4 are hard as shit to get in to. im doing a swap soon but i need this fixed cause i have bad gas mileage enough let alone drive down the 400 in 4th… anybody?

You answered the question yourself. Something broke inside. Time to pull it.

same problem here. replacement tranny is sitting in the shed. time for a new\rebuild one.


Looks like your syncros are gone. Try double clutching and see if that makes it easier to get into gear.

Also, does it grind into gear?

make sure tranny fluid is topped up, also throw some redline into it , i had that problem years ago and it honestly just freed up out of nowhere , i didnt even do anything

check your fluid level in the clutch master cylinder