Tranny work vs Swap

So im posting here as i think that wont clog shit up and its prob a dumb question.

I have a dirty sloppy tranny. Either that or i know nothing about cars. Very likely. My clutch is burned out im sure. Theres like a mm of engagment left in it. I wanted it fixed for the winter and i see stock clutchs for sale on the site for likle $50 but the labour cost to get it done is like $500 ( just what a guy at work said tody ) I see clean SR swaps for like $1200 that come with a tranny and im sure a usable clutch. Just dropped a hundo for some red line in the gear box thinking that was the problem but should i stop there. PS KA24DE pulls hard and would be a shame not to kill it before a swap.

$500? you’re getting ripped off lol go find better prices.
SR swaps with tranny for $1200 doesn’t come with install labour I’m willing to put money on that statement lol!

Given that you’re lazy/don’t have the means to do your own work/swap, here’s how I see your options:
Call Varun(slipperysilvia), get an OEM Exedy Clutch kit,–> call around for install or ask Varun about it = shouldn’t cost anywhere near as much as SR Engine+ tranny + install monies
go your SR route, go get a shop to install end up costing you probably around the $4k mark based on quotes people have posted here on SON.

Like you said, your KA pulls so spend a few hundred vs spending a few grand.
Even if your tranny is bust, you can pick up a used KA tranny for cheap…I paid $150 for a used one cause I was stuck with my car taking up a lift at the shop, otherwise I had people offering me their tranny’s for $80.

Varun was my next call. It shoulda been my first as he was the best to deal with to date. I think i gotta just stop listening to this tard at work. And yes i know im getting ripped off in most cases. Im just not from here so i never “know a guy” and people capitalize on it. I truely am an enthusiest but everytime i touch shit on my car myself it goes as wrong as it possibly could. And as far as the swap i know that doesnt include but just outta curiosity how much does it average for the labour on a s13 swap? And thanks

There are plenty of quotes on SON people have gotten around $4k for full swap labour and product

If your in Scarborough hit up zoom automotive . They chArged me around 300 for clutch issue(put the clutch backwards) . Talk to nigel and tell him you jonathans buddy with black 240sx

Shopped around and can get the clutch and work done for $500.

word of advice;

Nissan master cylinder/slave are significantly better than aftermarket, and the price difference is less than 1 tow…