trans fat....the things u dont know

I do 17 miles on the bike in an hour 5 days a week

damn… i dunno man, If I drank a redbull before did something like that my legs would cramp up bad

I was working out on the machine behind you yesterday! I did the Zumba class today though so I didnt do cardio until 7ish

I guess I didnt look behind me and see you.
Yesterday was a full work out and today was just two ab machines and cardio (bike).

I got there around 4:30 today and was home around 6.

How much high fructose corn syrup is in beer? :ponder

What about carbonated water? Is that as bad as soda?

carbonated water is just that, carbonated water…

drink til you have an ulcer!

So I had to switch to Dt. sodas, after being told I was borderline diabetic. But I remember reading that the sweeteners can lead to diabetes… So Im fuked if I do, fuked if I dont. I drink alot of soda, and sugarfree Rockstar, or low carb Monster. So I should die tomorrow, right?

Just stop drinking soda than :lol It’s not that hard.

I barely ever drink soda anymore, used to drink like 2-6 a day!!