Transformers: Live Action Movie


Hearing Peter Cullen’s voice righted any wrongs that may have been done in the movie. Peter Cullen = original voice of Prime, narrator of Voltron, and KARR from Knight Rider.


That is for damn sure…

i cant believe how hard this movie ruled

i want to go see it again. who else wants in?

did anyone else gt goosebumps when optimus first spoke?

ugh boner for this movie

Yeah it was cool hearing him, i did wish he had his mouth covered the whole movie though, he looked way more bad ass with it.


i want to go see it again. who else wants in?

did anyone else gt goosebumps when optimus first spoke?

ugh boner for this movie


im down, i think i still owe matt since i couldnt make it yesterday :picard:

but i wanna go again and enjoy, this time with no focus problems :clap:

so am I the only one who think the movie kinda sucked?


so am I the only one who think the movie kinda sucked?




Yes, yes you are.


so am I the only one who think the movie kinda sucked?


Die in a fire…


so am I the only one who think the movie kinda sucked?


I will fucking destroy you!!! He is a deceptacon get him!!!

SAw it with redrocket deffinatly product placement is out of control these days but it was nice to see being a former GM die hard the camaro beating some mustang ass and if it wasnt for the original optimus prime voice the movie could have been a real let down when we left people we clapping.Last time I was in a movie theater and people were clapping was like the Star War days .(the originals)But redrocket kept saying Dunkin Dounuts didnt want to pay out for the plate of dounts in the section 7 headquarters and have there box on the table.


Hearing Peter Cullen’s voice righted any wrongs that may have been done in the movie. Peter Cullen = original voice of Prime, narrator of Voltron, and KARR from Knight Rider.


as soon as I heard that I was taken back to my childhood, it was pretty surreal

and yeah I had goosebumps too

I’m honestly considering using that readmission ticket to see it again, to see how the DLP version is


so am I the only one who think the movie kinda sucked?


I am considering banning you for saying that… :nono:

This movie DELIVERS! :tup: Best movie I’ve seen this year, GM commercial or not.

My only problem is them naming the decepticon tank Devestator, that just killed the possibility of bringing the Constructicons to the big screen.

The only tank (only) form decepticon I could remember was Brawl, and he was a part of Bruticus (Combaticons?)

Motion for meet at subarudans house where we all take turns punching his weiner.

whos in?


This movie DELIVERS! :tup: Best movie I’ve seen this year, GM commercial or not.

My only problem is them naming the decepticon tank Devestator, that just killed the possibility of bringing the Constructicons to the big screen.

The only tank (only) form decepticon I could remember was Brawl, and he was a part of Bruticus (Combaticons?)


Dino Bots FTW if there is a sequel!!!


The only tank (only) form decepticon I could remember was Brawl, and he was a part of Bruticus (Combaticons?)


Correct but there was another tank that I can remember, the triplechanger Blitzwing.

the triple changers were awesome


This movie DELIVERS! :tup: Best movie I’ve seen this year, GM commercial or not.

My only problem is them naming the decepticon tank Devestator, that just killed the possibility of bringing the Constructicons to the big screen.

The only tank (only) form decepticon I could remember was Brawl, and he was a part of Bruticus (Combaticons?)


you sir, have proven yourself to move up multiple levels in friendship. why have you and i not talked transformers before?

rubicant you and i could totally hang out and talk transformers. i will bring all my power strips and talk about abilities, someone just needs to bring the red strips so we can read them :slight_smile: