Travelling > modding cars


Stop whining!

No you stop whining!


im with you 100%
travel, trying to pay my house off in less than 10 years, and early retirement have all put cars on the back burner.

I’m surprised, there are more sensible people on this forum then I thought.

Travelling is a great hobby that will fill you with a lifetime of memories, stories, and perspectives.

Cars are fun, but not a primary hobby IMHO. I spend time with my family, work on my house (mods) & for my house (paying it off <15 yrs), try to meet up with friends, then cars, then a few other things which I hardly spend time on.

Though, i was ‘smart’ enough to get into an auto platform that is about as cheap as performance can be. lol.

10 yrs? You gonna use your Social Security to payoff the mortgage?

What happens when you get your car pushing 500whp and then crash it into a fucking wall? dead, and all without seeing the world. lol.

life is full of risks, no matter where you are. I’d rather do as much as possible before dying off.

i did some math, and realized i can almost triple my mortgage payments and continue to live the same quality of life.
i’m actually shooting for 5 years, but i am giving myself 10 as a just in case.

its amazing how much extra loot you have without credit card debt.

now i just need to sell the saab, and get down to 3 cars :slight_smile:

I was only limping for a couple of days when I got bit by “something” :gotme: in the ankle on the flight out of Fiji.


If you’re going somewhere without modern medicine there are pretty inexpensive health insurance plans that will go so far as to air lift you out on a private flight if necessary.

I’ve never had it because I didn’t know about it when I went to Angola, but I’ve gone on a couple of trips when I really should have had it.

Good for you :tup:

When you sit down and add up how much money gets thrown at a project car sometimes it makes you take a step back. I did something similar. By no means am I abandoning my car, but it is not my first and formost priority. There’s a lot more to life than a car.

How unamerican of you! :nono: If your mortgage payments aren’t on the very ragged edge of what you can afford then your house is not big enough!



good call paulo… ive always wanted to go to italy. someday, hopefully in the not to distant future i’ll be there

and for trips in the near futire for me, the gf and i are planning a week long trip for us and a bunch of my friends/their gf’s to her parents house in vermont on lake champlain sometime this summer. its gonna be pretty rad

have fun in south korea, be careful

as for cars… im going to keep the e30, drive it, and fix it when it breaks. no need for anything more than that

and violator can eat shit

yeah, i recently changed my mind set away from the “if you can afford the monthly payment, then you can afford it” mind set.

Traveling can be a PITA sometimes, most vacations I have taken lately I just wanted to be home. I have been traveling for other reasons too(work/family) so its just nice too be home sometimes. I think you people should just focus on whatever makes them happy. For me the most fun I have had in years in at various lapping days. I cant get enough of that and I am trying to figure out I can work as many in with my finances next year.

Damn, And I thought keeping my 'Vette stock as the day I bought it was just being a pussy, old man. Guess I’m smarterer than I thunk I is. :redface:

you could take your modded car ON a road trip. I know its crazy but you can actually drive your car to enjoy all of the time and money you have put into it. road trips are fun. especially when you use a car forum to travel then you don’t have to pay for a place to sleep and you get to meet a bunch of people that you have talked with for years. Matching faces with names is pretty neat.

I wish I was right about everything.

Everyone can’t be so insightful though. You’re very lucky.