Troopers ambushed

reading comp. > you.

not buffalo swat.


NYS has a Mobile Response Team. Not swat.

Im on the swat team too, no seriously, I patrol the roads searching for bucky in my magical mystery ship of justice. I once witnessed an accident, and fixed 33213949589x10^5 fractures in a 130 year old mans body, using only my mind. He was driving in his Maclaren F1 at the time. After that, I witnessed a Bondage/sadomasichism incident involving 3 really fucking pathetic tools.

The trooper didn’t think he was bucky.

the trooper’s life was in danger.

he shot. he wins.

And I love the fucking people who hate and badmouth cops.

but they are the first ones looking for them, when something happens and they need their help.

You know you said something really fucking dumb when JEG asks you this.

I <3 cops.
They keep me safe :smiley:

I think I have said this in atleast 10 threads on this site.


but no, that officer was mean!

this story was on CNN this morning. They didn’t cover it too much except for stating that the 2 troopers are still listed in critical condition and that the reward is up to 225,000.

I think that all the cop hating comes from the totally shitty way most people are treated by the fuzz. I wish no harm to anyone, and would never wish a shooting on someone. I think the idea that one man is giving an entire police force such a run for the money, instills a feeling of getting those back for the shit they give. Now when hes just running, i’ll support it and laugh like everyone else. But tossing rounds out that hit people, regardless if they are no talent ass clowns, is not cool.


As of last night 225,000 dollars. Its time for us to get togetther for some GTA hunt down.

most people? or just a minority of people who, when wronged, go out of their way to raise a fuss about how they didn’t like getting a ticket for doing 20 over the speed limit…

You pretty much never hear about the officer that gave the same ticket but the person accepted the fact they were in the wrong but was treated politely by the officer.

Yeah there are asshole cops out there, the fact that people complain about how APD was being an asshole because they pulled them over for no front plate or something like that makes me laugh. You think they are bad you should hear how Buffalo/Cheektowaga PD used to (buffalo still does to some extent) treat people back in the 70/80s…

Who trains this mobile response team?


lol they are trained at the NY troopers academy in Albany, though at lot of them and most all of the instructors go through the FBI training down in Quantico, VA


So basically it’s the blind training the blind?

ehh CIA knows whats up…it is a world renown academy…

also the NYSPD are some of the best trained in the country…

Well that’s pretty scary, then.

I know right…geeze lol. Oh cmon now I’m not THAT bad. I also think it is rediculous how much people hate the popos.

So what’s the latest?
Are the troopers recovering/getting better?
Where is Bucky?

buckys chilling in my dorm room

so only the instructors are trained to the lowest basic standard of the FBI, and thats supposed to mean something. Really, tell me what skill the normal line cop has over any military member. I’ll take 5 privates, give em guns and tell em to find bucky, and they would of come back with bucky, and 3 of his friends just to make sure the keep Sarg happy :slight_smile:

Whens deer hunting season?