Troopers ambushed

open deer season early and theyd find him for sure. most likely dead and tagged

I guess the best the NYS Troopers can hope for is if bucky gets bored…and turns him self in or shoots him self…

Obviously somethings lacking with the NYS troopers if someone can shoot cops on 2 seperate incidents…get away both times…and still remain in a rather small area…

If you haven’t seen heard it yet…the trooper that got shot in the leg had to have it amputated.

Either he will come out of the woods looking like swiss cheese, or he’ll go through the media in some way and turn himself in.

As far as their training being question…

Would you really want our police trained the same way our military does, you obviously know the way that training impacts a person and how they act in the field setting. Definitly not a good thing for the general public, we’re not living in a military-state (even though some think we do :bloated: ). We don’t need a bunch of mentally edgy, hopped-up drones out there pointing M-16s and MP5s in someone’s face on a traffic stop :lol:


For those that think catching Bucky should be easy; this is not a paint ball game in a 5,000 square foot building. He is roaming in thousands of acres of forest and fields. If you have ever been hunting (or in war) you know that going into the siuation you are at a disadvantage when you are moving. If Bucky heres or sees the cops first he can take cover and literally watch them search for him while he just sits still. Think about it how often does a hunter just walk into the woods and shoot a deer? Generally you need them to come to you. It is pretty rare to be that lucky and there are tens of thousands of deer everywhere. Now imagine trying to get ONE guy in tens of thousands of acres.
How do you stake out tens of thousands of acres? Its not easy.

Plus, Bucky grew up there, he knows the area better than most, if not all, of the troopers looking for him.

Lets see Bucky shoots 2 cops outside his girlfriends house…In a area thats filled with cops looking for him…Obviously the cops were able to radio for help or they would have bleed out and died…and your telling me the state troopers in all their wisdom still couldnt contain him to that small area?

lol our military cannot contain osama in some mountains, a farrrr smaller force is not going to be able to contain one man in that large an area. How many people do you think they have out there? 1 for every 20 sq yds?

Do you think he shot these guys, hopped into a car and drove off? He more than likely either A) Ran out of the area they were trying to contain him to within minutes of the shooting, or B) hid out until the search was eased up and then moved out of their search area. This in’t a desert in Texas he’s hiding in or something

Like I said maybe the troopers will catch a break and he will shoot him self…Obviously they should stick to writing traffic tickets because they are not trained to be doing a man hunt…

Kinda funny they had to borrow bloodhound dogs from Buffalo…since they only have drug dogs…and they stopped having their own a while back.

I don’t get what’s funny bout that one…

dogs are tranied for one thing and one thing only…whether it be drugs, bombs or people.

:word: Well put.

Drones huh, see i knew that the best LEO’s were prior military, and usually the people that couldn’t cut it end up being that power hungry asshat of a LEO. If the US military had to just work a small area of a state, and not an entire country, with international boarders that are unsecure and unable to cross, and mountains that start at 3000 msl and climb almost vertically to 15000+, we’d have osama. But you really don’t know much outside of writing tickets, so i can’t fault you for ignorance.

awww im sorry I was just making a comparison to make thing relative…I didnt mean to make you pussy-sore :stuck_out_tongue:

and just in my personal exprience, so I am generalizing, those LEOs that I have worked with who were/are Military were the biggest assholes who were seen as the most aggresive officers and had the most complaints against them. They must have had a hard time making the transition from a battlefield to a civilian dept. again im generalizing here so take it with a grain of salt.

Face it, once bucky went into the woods this went from a street situation to a tactical one, and one that the state troopes, sherrifs and buffalo PD no absolutly nothing about. Mosts military train soley for these situations, learn to shoot long distances and move under direct fire. Most LEO learn to shoot 25 meters, and most can barely do that, and they lose all of thier authority once the person decides to not be scared by a little badge. This is a hunt, a human hunt, and thats what military does, hunt humans. Once the greeen suiters get the buck out of the woods, you guys can have him, and get your press time.

Oh I’m not saying they are trained for this, just well trained in general. You bet that in this instances a military force would be better right now. My point is that they generally don’t balance out civilian interaction with their job efficiency.

My money is that he surrenders at some point, and not directly to law enforcement. My second guess is that he ends up becoming swiss cheese, expecially if encountered in the woods.

Comparing this situation to Usama points out the most critical asset…

We have no info and no one helping with info on Bucky because the white-trash seem to have united against the law.

I can’t wait until this is all over. I don’t see him coming out of this alive in any sense of the meaning. He will keep going until he is shot dead.

I can say the same thign about Osama :lol: no intel, and the pakis/talliban are against the US/Ally forces

This guy has nothing to lose, and he’s playing for keeps. He won’t come out alive, and unless we get some guys that are gonna play by the same rules, a few more guys are gonna get hurt real bad, and that fuckin sucks.

I think that was the point

Texas rangers would have had him by now…w00t.

State troopers are trained to sit in the road and check cars…at road blocks…obviously its gonna take more then that to catch him…