Troopers ambushed

UM. might want to check that.

My brother -in - law is a trainer on such team. Hes a DEC cop whose been down there non stop. looking for the guy.

IM pretty sure any excaped convict has the “shoot to kill” mark on their head, soon as they excape. I wouldnt want to be living in these areas. Because of the trigger happy police in the area. ie: the kid shot on the ATV.

NYS could have really stopped this a long time ago. buy simply raising the reward. Theve spent probly 3 times as much in all the overtime & hotels theve been giving to the troopers searching. But NYS would rather give OT to guys than give a hefty reward to someone for turning in this guy.

The guy was convicted of stealing, if they would have just amputated his hand like in a arabic country. he wouldnt be that good at using can openers. or shooting cops. now would he.?

no he was getting technical because there is no NYSP Swat Team…its the mobile response team…


But then everybody would remind us that we are founded on Christian ideals.

Wait, they only do that when it serves their best interests either directly or indirectly…

First off. Get your fucking facts straight.

Secondly lets go over those facts.

  • He wasn’t a kid. He was 25.
  • He was intoxicated.
  • He wasn’t wearing a helmet.
  • The shoot. Was a good shoot. And it will be found to be a good shoot, in court.
  • The guy shot, was a fucking retard. (yes, that is a fact and Darwin agrees)
  • The cop’s belt was hooked on the ATV, and the fucking douchebag took off.
  • The cop was dragged for over a mile, through rough terrain, grass, rocks, gravel, and in between trees. And they weren’t going 10 mph. Try 3x’s that.
  • The cop told him to stop, repeatedly. He did not stop. So the cop shot.
  • One of them was going home to their children that night…and the cop made sure it was him.
    So if you don’t agree with the cops actions…I have an experiment for you. I will even help you, execute it.

We are going to a construction zone. With rocks, boulders, dips, loose gravel, and signs everywhere. We are going to get an SUV, and tie you to the back of it. Then I will proceed to drive. We will see how long it takes you to tell me to “stop” or “okay, knock it off”. I will continue to drive. Once we reach around 30 mph, and you have a face full of gravel and a few dozen broken bones…I will simply ask you “hey. do you feel as if your life is in danger?”

Then you can tell us whether or not, it was a good shoot.

^^^^ thats a great post.

I’ll volunteer my SUV and tow strap for this experiment. :slight_smile:


How and where does one get the insight as to how fast they are being dragged on the back of an ATV?

It’s all recollection. Were their witnesses because it’s only logical that the police officer would embellish the truth in his favor. I can imagine killing anybody causes some discomfort. Of course he won’t say, “I’m a terrible person.” Rather, his recollection of the entire situation will alter to reflect “I am not a terrible person.”

I don’t think he is at all at fault even if he was being dragged at a donkey’s trot, but I think you’re overestimating the ability of memory. It’s not concrete, it is not fact, and that’s why we have a judicial system.

Also, research has shown that “flash bulb memories” ergo, the recollection of events that happened during a traumatic period, are no less susceptible than regular memory at being somewhat distorted or completely false.

ok but a guy being dragged for a certain distance/period of time can estimate how fast the person was going…also Im sure they probably investigated the scene where the trooper was dragged and could get a pretty godo estimation of speed from the drag marks…

What was the main idea of this passage?
a) the man being dragged on the back of the ATV had a pedometer
b) the kid on the ATV told the man the speed he was going to die at
c) memories should not be taken as fact
d) the man on the ATV was not Ralph Bucky Phillips

if i were to drag a trooper off the side of my atv for any distance and disregard his telling me to stop, i cant say id be surprised if i got shot.


^^^ most people with common sense would agree with you BUT unfortunately this is Western New York where common sense is about as common as stingrays in Lake Erie.

10 feet would about do it for me then click, you’re dead.

The trooper recollects the kid going full throttle.

When you are running from the police, you are going to be going balls out, and as fast as you possibly can. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t cruising around at 15 mph.

When the guy started to drive away/drag the cop, the trooper called into dispatch for backup.

When they found them 1.5 miles down the road, from the original stopping point…a few minutes later…they could easily calculate how fast the guy was traveling. Its simple math.

The man on the ATV was never thought to be Bucky. I don’t know why people are assuming this. It was a simple stop, to see where the guy was going, and why he wasn’t wearing a helmet. After the cop was talking to the kid for a few minutes, he must have gotten scared (seeing as he was drunk) and took off.

If I get pulled over in Hamburg today, for a seatbelt violation…and I run from the police…chances are somebody, somewhere is going to think I am Bucky.

Just like how people are assuming Bucky has shot these 3 troopers.

The State Police in just OVERTIME has spent over 4 million dollars. And numerous people’s lives have been altered forever. If they would have simply offered $1 million dollars the day he escaped…he would have been turned in by now.

Another problem the troopers/fbi are overlooking, is the fact that they don’t know the terrain. They are turning down help, equipment, helicopters w/ thermal imaging, and seasoned veterans of the local PD’s who know this terrain better than anybody. They have an agenda, and want it carried out by themselves and only themselves. It’s a very selfish thing to do.

And the NYSP MRT (mobile response team) isn’t going to do much. They haven’t already. Infact the two troopers recently shot, were part of it.

I still would like to know how the trooper got hooked to the ATV. Not to mention if he got dragged over a mile at speeds of 30+ he would definitely have some tell tale signs of it on his clothing/body.

As far as doing math to figure out how fast the kid was going that would only give you an average speed. Saying he traveled this far in this time frame means shit. He could have been doing 10 then speed up to 40, not to mention dragging a person who weighs 200lbs can really slow down a machine that weighs 500lbs.

I’d say a belt with all kinds of do-dad’s, clips, holsters, pouches and pockets…would be fairly easy to get it hooked. Shit happens.

He was hospitalized. For a while. Broken bones, and road rash (amongst other things)

Rumor has it, if you saw his uniform…all this controversy would go away, and you’d be surprised he was still alive.

However the state police will not be showing his uniform, until the investigation is finalized.

And in his defense…Police aren’t trained to “shoot to injure”. They are trained “shoot to kill”.

It was a larger sized ATV. Used for trailoring, and hauling. The trooper wasn’t even 200 lbs. It wouldn’t have slowed it down that much.

And an average speed of 20 mph, still means he was going faster than that…at some point.

I don’t see why you and 90% of WNY is contesting this. If this police officer was your dad/brother/uncle…you’d be glad he did what he did.

Oh shit. Badazzss is reading this.

I can’t wait for his post full of insight, and remorse.


Great post… i wish more of wny saw it this way:tup: