True Ballers don't worry about salt damage.

Love this guy’s attitude.

Wish i could drive a million dollar car in the snow.

Some of the Buffalo Bills players rock their 22s in the snow. :gotme:


No one ever said football players were smart.


Thanks captain obvious.


:slight_smile: good times


The sun is bright and yellow FYI.

He does have a good attitude, but who drives a race car in the snow lol

looks like fun :slight_smile:

hey, if you can afford it, it’s your car i guess :tup:

i guess he bought it to drive it? even if i had the money for it, i still wouldn’t drive it in the snow, lol

All i can figure is he was so excited to get his new toy he didnt want to wait. Cant blame him i have done the same sort of stuff before only my toys didnt cost me a million.

theres a guy here in rochester with a zo6 that has a trailor hitch… he tows his snow mobiles with it! ive seen it a few times, freaking great…

that guy in the vid is my hero, if i could afford to do it, i would.

I LOVE that guy’s attitude.

Nothing bother’s me more than seeing a pic of some rich dude’s garage with Ferrari’s and Lambo’s and shit everywhere, and then finding out that he’s never even started half of them up.

And by the way, yes he did put it into a wall, but he only did 5,000 pounds damage. Seeing as the car cost him 470,000, and he also owns an Enzo, and one of Shumacher’s old Formula One cars, I don’t think thats denting the wallet.

wow. i wish he was my dad.


one of only 50 cars ever made and he treats it like a dime a dozen cavalier in the snow

guys attitude is stupid

Oh man… thats fucking rediculous.

OT: did you see the end ? the 4x4 question? wtf…

For actaully drving what he owns. Wish I was that baller. :tup:

wait till he does the widebody conversion to it…