Trump Meme Thread (45th President of the USA)


Im gonna be watching tonight!

It is impossible to be this with the current state of GOP being ultra right and the Dems being ultra left. With Cruz and Sanders being so opposite, the only “moderate” on both sides are Trump and Clinton sadly.

The Trump rally today video with him telling stories about Romney was pretty good.

The unfortunate part of tonight’s debate is that I’ve had edit my house GOP debate-drinking rules to eliminate “drink when Carson’s blink lasts more than 3 seconds”

:wink: Good point, guess I’ll just go take up writing poems for a living and getting daydrunk on garbage wine like they do in France.

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Yeah, and all options suck. I voted for Gary Johnson last time because fuck it, we’re all going to die anyway.

Excellent Kevin Spacey response:

Mitt is a Bitch:

This thread also needs more Trump memes:

Thats awesome


The success vs failure one is impressive, I don’t care what side you’re on.

Holy shit Trump just insinuated he had a huge…


SAVAGE! :skunk:

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I’ve been avoiding the train wreck that has been the debates but lol @ Trump and his hands/penis stuff. It’s literally turned into a cock measuring contest. Lets just whip them out, grab a ruler, and figure out who our nominee is. I’m sure Hillary would be fine with that since she’d almost certainly win.

I am pretty sure Michael (That is what Barrack calls her/him.) Obama could beat them all.

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My question is; Do Marco and Ted realize that if you are POTUS you might actually have to do your job at least once in a while? Marco has never done anything and Ted could only brag about fighting for a cross. Scary stuff. Kasich has always seemd like a nice guy and he won last night imo.

The debates are so biased that it gets irritating to watch. They toss Kasich softball questions that he can hit out of the park. Then they hammer Trump and try to question every little thing he’s said over the past 2 years. Kasich is a good guy and will probably end up somewhere as a VP (even though he said no). Notice how nobody attacks him? They leave him alone because he isn’t a threat. He’s way too far behind to mount a comeback.

Sadly I think we will be having Democrats as Presidents for quite some time. Poor people vote Democrat, and the poor people have realized that they do indeed have a voice at the polls. They learned that in 2008. I can’t think of a single good thing about Hillary, and yet she’s very popular.

These people vote. Just unreal.

Seems more minorities claimed to vote for trump, even though they couldnt have voted and lied that they did.

Maybe it at least shows who they plan to vote for when they truly can.

BREAKING NEWS: Ben Carson re-enters race, now sees “New Path Forward” to winning the nomination

My point was these people have no clue about much of anything. Look at some of the other “Lie Witness News” videos and you’ll see what I mean. There are millions of people voting who have no idea what a particular candidates stance is on something.

Thats great

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Thats great

It won’t end:

Lol why is he holding a clothes hanger in the one picture i dont get it.

this thread turned out absolutely awesome. love it. -nimble navigator