TTZ Winter Resto/Repair/Build Thread: Updated 8/8/09 NEED A FAVOR!!

good idea actually to put a cooler on there. Figured people would just weld em shut or put a plate on them or something.

Well, first i want to say thanks to Butch and Marcus for lending a hand tonight…

And a special big thanks to the Fuzz Man aka Bacon…i don’t think i’ve thanked you yet, but i can’t thank you enough. You’ve helped with virtually every step so far, and i’m going to feel terrible if i can’t get this thing done in time to give you a ride so i’m going to make sure to NOT drink as much, NOT go out as much…and direct more money and time into completing this project before you depart…thanks again buddy, you’re awesome!

Once again, i’ll let the pics do the talking…

Something’s missing here:

There it is!

FINALLY!!! It’s fucking OUT!

:tdown: to baby pea shooters…everybody wave bye to them!

And from a few pages ago, do we all remember this chunk missing from the block?

Well if you got a good LOL out of that, wait 'til you get a load of this!!!

The fucker split damn near in half, lol…wow…i can’t wait to pull the pan and see what it’s like in there!

RIP…the final resting spot, and the closest this JDM leetness will ever be to this car, or any car for that matter…ever again :frowning:

Despite it being a frequently problematic few years with this motor…i still loved every minute of driving this car, and even a lot of the time i spent working on it…i enjoy every aspect of it, so even though it did give me countless problems…i am still sad to see it go, and wish it well.

Few more pics:

More Double Stuff goodness…

This is very exciting for me…the “taking apart” stage is OVER…all that’s left to do now is assembly, putting me just about halfway! And i’ve already ran into all the problems (knock on wood) and sorted them out along the way, so the latter half should be much easier, and much more fun since i won’t be finding any more problems that i had the whole time, but rather putting everything together beyond perfectly…

Sure i still have to tear apart the new motor, and send the block off to get built, but that’s not too bad…

Cheers…to much work done, and the light at the end of the tunnel in sight!

Holy effing crap at the block being cracked in half like that :eek:

Yeah i hope that removes any doubt that MPD or Onyx may still have that the motor was in fact blown lol :stuck_out_tongue:

What a nightmare, Like I said before, looks like hell working on them. GL.

Don’t rush it too fast. Rushing leads to all kinds of issues, not just build quality but a number of other issues.

Get it done perfect this time. Take your time, even if it takes a year or 2 or 3 to do. :slight_smile:

I want to see the insides on this bitch. Haha

Wow I guess not, lol.

Seriously though, I’ve NEVER seen that before. You should post it on TTNET. Maybe your block was dropped on it’s way over from Japan (yet another reason to never buy a JDM motor) or something along those lines. There is definitely no way that happened because you were making too much power!

Good progress :tup:

That is definitely NOT normal. Pretty shocked actually

And it’s an iron block…none of that whimpy aluminum crap…insane. My only guess is a small surface crack slowly got deeper and longer until it finally gave way in glorious fashion…

I’m just glas the flywheels seems in great shape…you’d think with that kind of force exploding right behind it blowing out the block, there’d be some damage to the flywheel. It seems a-ok though :tup:

What about the whole oil starvation thing. Seems like that could easily cause that.

Well if the base of the block at the oil pan was so far weakened that it cracked off causing the oil to drain, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that his whole block was compromised at some point.

I have never seen a block split like that, holy shit!

WOW…i can’t believe it’s been over 4 months since i updated this…oh yeah, it’s probably because it’s been about that long since i touched the car.

This is more of an “i still care about the car” update for the select few others that actually care too and have been on my ass about getting back to work on it.

A while back i lost my job and grew up enough to realize that i shouldn’t put all my spare time/money into this thing. Rather than immediately looking for another job, i decided that since i’ll probably be working until retirement, i’d enjoy being unemployed for a month or so. I did just that, and while it was great, it depleted my Z funds…which, i do NOT regret one bit. It was a great break from reality. I found a new, better job with ease about a week after i started looking for one, and am finally caught back up and about to resume work on this project. Did i initially post i’d be shooting to have it done summer of 2009? Obviously a typo, i meant 2010.

Went there just to drop off some parts today, no real intent to work on it…but i did loosen a few bolts on the old motor as an attempt to get to the real carnage, which i’m beginning to realize will be more gruesome than ever predicted once i pull the heads judging by more damage i found today just glancing around it.

I’m finding that the heads will NOT be nearly as easy to remove as i thought though, since after 20 minutes i got frustrated and left. I obviously need to remove the timing belt to remove the heads…and to do that, i need to remove the timing belt cover…and to remove the timing belt cover, i have to remove the front water pipes because one of them completely blocks the last hex bolt holding the timing belt cover on:

Now those hex bolts holding on the water pipes are set in a good 3 inches or so…so my hex key barely reaches…and what i have to do is put a crescent wrench (the closed end) around the end of the key after the bend to get some leverage on it…and even then, putting enough weight on it where i’m worried about snapping the hex key, these hex bolts are not budging one bit…so after 10 minutes of arguing with them, i decided to just take a look around the motor to see what else i could begin to pull off, and found something else that clearly isn’t right:

LOL at a pool of oil in the turbo…that doesn’t seem healthy.

And…while glancing around the motor, i found more places where pieces of the guts tried to break through when the big bang theory was reinvented within my motor.

Here’s a better pic of the chunk missing out of the block on the passenger side:

And right by that, where a piece busted through the oil pan:

Now, on the driver side i found yet another puncture wound in the oil pan:

Close-up (it’s about 2 inches wide lol):

And on a happy note, i got a pretty good deal on a set of JDM tails ( <3 2TurboZ):

AND…for the favor i need to ask…i’ve felt like a dick recently because i keep forgetting i’m taking up space at Innovative with my new motor that i bought a while ago, but haven’t made time or effort to pick it up. For that, i offer a formal apology to Mike at Innovative, and whoever else has been inconvenienced by the motor taking up space there.

I’m looking for three things:

A - I need someone with a truck willing to transport the motor for me to the garage on Grand Island. I’ll pay for gas, tolls, and a fast food meal of your choice.

B - A hoist i can borrow that can also be tossed in said truck with motor so we can load/unload it at the garage.

C - Another engine stand to buy, used/cheap preferred…since i want to be able to work on both motors depending on my mood…“make progress on new motor” or “make progress at uncovering manly carnage on blown motor.”

I offer you truck use. You have till august 25th. Also how did you grow up? Also lol@growing up

When are you free? I don’t work mornings at all…3-11PM during the week, and off Thursdays…so any morning would work, or any Thursday.

And i grew up priority wise…i’m not letting this car, or any car for that matter consume me, and all my time/money.

But getting drunk is a better investment? I can be free any sunny morning.

PM minglor, he has my hoist and stand, you’re welcome to it if he’s done.

Thanks guys!