Tunning in Winter, Myth?

Here is why I ask, after having a few mods done this summer, it took awhile for me to get my SAFC-II for tunning. I know have it however it is cold. I am running either rich or lean (not sure). Because my car has been burning gas like a mofo lately. Yesterday for example I decided to spank around around my buddies Prelude. Anytime I booted it I actually saw the gas needle move.

Now I know gas mileage is worst in winter, but this is just crazy. Should I still wait until spring to dyno tune everything? (got some more stuff to install)? I want to wait but this gas mileage is making me cry :frowning:

tunning in winter should be fine. unless the shop will be doing it outside. lol. im hopefully getting mine tuned in a few weeks since im running too rich and i can easily use up a full tank in 2 days.

yup. if i floor it and im on the highway, i can literally see my needle moving down slowly.

3.5L here and not that bad on gas haha.

But when the needle moves down after flooring it. You should notice it go back up as you resume to cruising because the fuel pump pumps the fuel to engine, not all of it goes into the engine, it gets returned the the gas tank via return fuel line.

If you see needle move and not go back up, then you got some serious gas eating problem…

  1. It’s spelled T-U-N-I-N-G.

  2. Here’s another reason you may have a gas consumption: it’s winter, and it’s cold. Cold air is more dense than warm air, which means that, in order to keep the air-fuel ratio where the ECU (and a piggyback, in your case) wants it to, engine needs to bring in more fuel than normal. This is especially noticeable on starting a cold block on a very cold day. The engine warming up does make a difference, but keep in mind that there isn’t a lot of time for air to warm up before it reaches the MAF or MAP that tells the ECU how much fuel to pump in.

Full tank in two days is possible, it also depends how much/far he drives. If I was driving a lot and ripping it, I could easily go thru a tank in one day.

my two days per tanks is travelling about 100kms in distance and flooring it.

I know winter kills gas mileage, but before it was not this bad. I came into possession of a few other parts though which I will install when the weather gets better so I’ll just bit the bullet for now with the gas :frowning: