turbo civic > turbo Z28 drop top

When you guys all meet, do the arguments resume there? :biglol: (i’m quite the n00b still)

nope, no one has ever said anything to me in person. Funny, I think everyone knows who I am. I mean I am one of the biggest tools around. It’s hard to miss big tools.

nah, everytime i have ever been near anyone from team badazz (which, to be fair, i don’t think was very many times) they have never said anything to me. Though badazz Z/28 did refuse to talk to me at my house. :gotme:

lol, what the hell

Funny story. Last night at Shredd and Reagan, some stranger came up asking me if i was beckington (but they mispronounced it) from Nyspeed.

I wasn’t sure if he was a member of Badass, so I pointed to Tkklemann and told him “thats beckington”.

Then he id’ed himself as someone else, and admitted to being me.

Sorry Tom :slight_smile:

yeah like slow84ta said, we all hide behind our keyboards :bloated:

i have no idea what you look like. but, then again, i forget what my GF looks like. I know i met you.

haha, the weekly stop. and once again, nice kill devin :tup:

bi-weekly now. 15-50 rox my world.

don’t even fucking start shit. Last year I posted a damn pic of myself and invited everyone to come up to a mighty meet and talk to me, talk shit, punch me…whatever. guess what, I was there for 3 hours and NOTHING HAPPEN!!!

EDIT: that was too rough

ok I’m gonna run now, my keyboard needs a rest. I can only fight with it for so long.


no no… whats the story about Jesse confronting andy and making him cry?

you’re so angry…take a fuckin joke man…did daddy not hug you enough as a child?

and dos, where do you get off on this now? :lol:

i never insulted the madd fast imports yo’, i just said why don’t u race a fast fbod, instead of a v6 w/ a weak shot, or a “turbo” Z which newman even admitted looked like it was built like shit. i can imagine that u won, just want u to try and tackle some bigger challenges…

(holy crap 13 people viewing right now, this should get good lol)

i just see the imports > fbods threads over and over, but i bet if the domestic guys started posting every slow import kill, it would get redundant. i 1st had my camaro when i was 18, and i beat everyone everyday (until i ran into pryor (sp?) one day), but never bragged…

i also dont get why someone would act differently online than in person? im a nice guy, but i cant stand retards online, or in person, which means i would act the same way toward them. dont act like a fuckwad just b/c youre safe on the net. and beck, why did u not admit to being u? scared or something?

no my daddy didn’t ever love me…whines j/k

I have my reasons to be angry and they all come back to legit reasons I have from over the past 3 years. Just don’t piss me off in person, you’ll be fine. You know me Andy, I’m a nice guy :tup:

ok now I gotta go for real…

start a call out thread… call out the guys you want to run and im sure they will show up. its that simple… all i see in this thread is talk and no action… do it up.

i know, and i know you’re not THIS MUCH of a tool in person lol…

but c’mon man, you’re getting so angry over nothing, nobody talking shit about you or your car or your friends’ cars…so why such hostility toward anybody on the import side of this thread?

ehh, both threads i posted i didn’t think were import > domestic threads. I really appreciate fast muscle cars. I don’t hate domestic. I hate ignorant domestic drivers. I also hate ignorant import drivers.

I do act differently online, only because it makes it more interesting. Seriously, i am just bored. In real life there is enough to keep me entertained that i am not a hge dickbag. If i met you, chances are i would think you were an alright guy. And if you met me, if you can see past the way that i look (some cant) then you would probably think the same. It’s not a matter of safety, just ADD.

And while the turbo z28 was built poorly, it still is pushing 7psi into an ls1… that should go pretty good, regardless of construction. It definitely was not slow.

next time i’ll just say…

“vid please”.

jeeeEEEz :lol:

lol. I do have a camera. It’s kind of lame, but i have almost never used it
i should dust it off…