Turbo Clocking..?

I know how its done, but I’m having the worrrst time getting past step one.

Loosening the bolts. Holy shit are these on tight. I tried everything, and even using the right sized wrench im starting to round them a little bit. I tried torching them for a second but was told not to because it can damage the seals, so I stopped before any damage was done. Must have loctite on it or something, I dont know.

Anyone have any advice for getting these bolts off?

Shit is wack

Air gun the bitch and use tons of penetrating oil.


No better remedy than instant torque. They break, they break. Nothing you can do.

I can’t use a socket tho because of the bolt placements. I need to use a wrench

penitrating fluid, heat, then get that wrench on there, get a big hammer and give it a nice quick hit.

put 2 wrenches together

Oh. Use a SIX point wrench. A GOOD one too.