Turbo Oil inlet Tube HELP

i have a ca18 with a t28 and im putting my turbo back on and i can’t seem to for the life of me get that inlet tube to go in so i can tighten the bolt attached to it

this has to be a problem encountered by someone somewhere so i was wondering what a good soulution for this is?

oil inlet tube ?!

by tube . do you mean a line ?!

if yes, stock ca18 t25 line wont go back on a T28…

Just go to your local parts store such as Mopac and get new custom lines. Such as Earl’s. They are not all that expensive and it will save you a lot of hussle.

ps. block your coolant line off the engine and dont bring it back to the new turbo.

ya by tube i meant line and i think i didnt explain my problem correctly

i took my turbo off because i had to take my head off now im puting it back on and i cant get my oil inlet line to line up worth shit

so im sure someone has an idea of what i can do from there expierance

on the block? if and if ur using t28 u will need to do some bending and also u will need to undoo the 10 mm bracket holding the line to the block! thne u can bend more! there is a technique to getting it on! its fine thread so it has to be right on, kep playing with it and bending and it will go! :)it takes some magic hands :wink: