Anyone know of a place here in town that can do a good job?
what kin dof turbo first?
rebuilding a ballberring turbo is the same price as buying a new turbo as cuz u need to replace the center sections onf a ballberring turbo charger, but if its like a sr20t25 any semi shop will know what to do!
I was wondering about this as well. however I found that its not really finding someone to do the work, its getting the parts for replacement
I don’t know, i have a stock ca18det and i figured stick with direct bolt ups and i should have no problems.
Do you have any names of shops that can do this, i have no idea where to start.
alamo rebuilds turbos,i think they’re pricey, but give them a call
Thanks thats awesome
Alamo wants like 450 for a basic rebuild. I like that semi shop idea though.
Alamo does good jobs… but make sure they assemble you turbo properly as when i got mine back the housing was facing the wrong way. Had to go buy a tool to turn it.
What turbo was that for, because i just phoned and they said they dont rebuild t25/t28 because they are ball bearing. Are they ball bearing?
if it’s the stock ca18det or sr20det t25, it is NOT ball bearing
haha I know my turbo on my RB20 isn’t a ball bearing