Turbo SUV

:H How’s this for Turbo…lol


ahhh image didnt work

The one i put up, or one you wanted to put up?

the one you put up lol it says image not found…blah blah blah

How about now…



yep…nissan patrol

okay…damM…:eek:. i’m impressed…you knew what it was… most guys don’t even know what that is. Don’t know bout TNC people.

Not sure why they have it all black but have the intercooler so visible. Kinda ruins the look IMO

Thats a mafia suv.

Intercoolers are to show off.lol

We can import a Patrol in for you… there’s lots of cool SUV’s available there that… I like the Mitsubishi Delica Super Exceed Turbo Diesel! 3 Tons of super luxury power! :smiley:

what about the fuel system, the fuel would freez, because the fuel systems for north america and europe and asia are different, plus most of these things go to the desert, so they have cooling fuel systems, plus 3 years ago i mailed nissan canada, they said the nissan patrol doesent pass canadian safety standars, “what a load of bull”, but if you can import one i will hold you to that for the future, and no crummy used one either, a brand new 3door black nissan patrol 6spd V8.

Most likely i’ll get my friend to ship one for free, if i really feel like wanting one.

You can only import the vehicle if it’s 15 years or older; there are many diesel vehicles imported into Canada without a problem… check out delica.ca

aahhh, lol what would i do with a 15 year old nissan patrol, plus gas is better than deisel for speed and turboeing for on street use.

V10 Toureg is SRS BZNS…


this is 800plus hp suv, but toureag is nice, if you prefer flashy.

I prefer usability, German :wink: , and 500lbs of TQ!

THAT, or a turbo-diesel cummin’s truck. :smiley:
> That way, when you’re in your mafia truck, my diesel would spew clouds of black smoke into your open rear-window, and though you may be faster, you’ll need a detail; and come to me; kill two birds with one stone! :stuck_out_tongue:

hehehe, what ever blows your whistle,jks, i like the toureg too, and this isn’t my patrol. Hey but i respect your taste im not here to hate.

i want to import the FWD turbo diesel motor that comes in the UK dodge caravans and put it in my POS 88 caravan, that would be pimp :D… well not pimp, but it would be a sick beater van.

patrols are nice, but Toyota Megacruizers are facking awesome.

yea lancruiser are infamous, only thing is that the patrol and landcruisers are at each others throats, like supra and skyline owners…