Turbo Trix 6th Annual Evo vs. STI/WRX Shootout....You MIGHT know the winner?

Where the fuck is my cannon

its being built. u said 155mm unmaned howitzer right?

As long as I can do werk on petes house and collection of junk cars, yes

um…u could do work on the city with it

Ok as long as I can ruin petes day

i think it would be more than his day.

hes such a fanboi know it all and he hasnt had the fucking car a month. someone slap him in his huge noggen!


sorry I didn’t have money to buy one earlier, I’ve wanted one ever since they came out. I’ve been on the evo forums since 04, way before I could even drive, you act like I just got one because it was an impulse buy or something and now I’m a know it all right?

no ur acting like u know everything there is to know about them and talking to me like i havnt owned one for 5x as long as u have.

thats it, 155mm round through ur house!


I never claimed to know all there is to know about em so I don’t know what your trying to get at really…

  • rep

tdi_logik better quiet the fuck down about his pos, shit’s going to get shitted on in here real quick :lol


haaahhaa :lmao :lmao :rofl :rofl

Pete I wouldn’t worry about it, Mr. Vette had a 500+whp evo with a crappy turbo kit that I would say struggled to get in the 12’s let alone the 11’s and easily should have gone in the 10’s with that power. So take that cannon back and sit on it!..OOOOOO PWNED!!!

Im busting balls BTW…

BTW im always game to see if a lil 350whp evo can beat your vette making almost 3 times the power. Since im heavier and all…

from a dig, my tires sucks nuts smaller than yours so ill lose until xx mph

from a roll i will eat ur gfs ass anyday.

And who in there right mind would give a 900whp corvette a roll race when they’re making 1/3 the power, weight about the same and arent made to go 200mph? Why would i give up my ONLY advantage in being AWD to something like that? Only an idiot would run a 900whp vette with an Evo like mine from a roll we know what the outcome of that would be. It would be a good time to see if you could catch me or not…you want to run someone on a roll…run some in that hp range…I can think of a certain red car that could put that vette to sleep.

well because i dont run slicks and racing a AWD from a stop would be a waste of my time just like u racing me from a roll would be a waste of ur time. and 900whp? 600+. the sig is a joke, notice it says in vacume?

and do u really think i give a rats ass about “a certain red car”??

do me a favor and keep the childish shit to yourself. :slight_smile: bye now!

haha…I just find it funny that I struck a nerve busting your balls. Its cool when you do that you bust Pete but the instant it happens to you you get all flustered and start breathing heavy, and call your daddy childish (well, i would have been, but the cat beat me up the stairs). Now take your 600hp vette and go sit in the corner. My ball busting is over…back on topic (talking about how cool i am)…jk

im breathing heavy? haha little man u dont know what the fuck ur talking about. on top of that, u are making yourself sound like a 6 year old. my daddy? huh?