turbols1 custom exhaust > mufflerman crackpipe (3 pix)

sorry for my lack of camera talent and large pics



back end looks 100x cleaner and more stout (looks better in person)…im satisfied for the time being

…as if my car wasnt loud enough before…now on top of the woooosh…u can hear the actual spool : ) 8=======D

I like:tup:

:tup: no exhaust tips looks sweet

Nice job :tup:

I Like it a lot. :tup:

:tup: for a clean look

much better :tup:

looks a lot better :tup:

wayyyy better

Good job turbo :pimp:


why is there a cock at the end of your post?


Look 10000x bettah

why in the hell were their 4 tip on the exhaust before? shouldnt the exnahst just be a simple dump pipe from the turbo and the wastegate?

Saw it yesterday when you were leaving and it looks a lot better :tup: Plus I <3 hearing the turbo spinning thru the exhaust.

thanks everyone…like i sed im happy…it doesnt look like such a pos in the back anymore

God knows why you’d go to Mufferman for any work but ech their own…:tup: to cleanliness!

y the 4 tips though?

why a put money in a tib?

same thought process


Bill, I think there is something wrong with your license plate!!!
