TurboLS1ss, found a few for you

Damn man that sucks. Atleast you’re OK and for the most part the car is too.

Nevermind, he’s an asshole. I told him what happened and about the sweet new green car and he decided he is no longer interested. Said since the new car is only 5 grand and cleaner than the blue car was, that you were overpriced before and probably not putting 35k in parts into the new one but will probably ask 40+K for it anyways. Said your install obvisously wasnt top notch and told me to not bother trying to help him find a fast car anymore. That he will do it himself. I told him to go fuck himself pretty much. Oh well, that green car is sexy looking. Can’t wait to see it running!

Damn man, glad no-one was hurt. If you don’t already have an army enlisted to help with the swap, beer will be my pay ;). That is if you need another set of hands.

HAHA, I’ll start the pool. I give it 2 months before he has someone else working on his ‘new’ car after he gets his ‘fast’ car. Sounds like he doesn’t know shit.

your buddy doesn’t understand the concept of package deal. my install was perfect, what happened with the fire was beyond my control. i challenge him to go out and find a reputable shop who will put together such a car for under $35k, he supplies the car. It can’t be done between labor and retail value. my price would probably come down a little bit, but at the end of the day you get what you pay for :gotme:

we getting this slut done or what? quit effing around.

as soon as i get the check patricleez. me and jamie are probably going to go during the week if i get the go-ahead before fri (his drags)

well im off to work the fair (firetruck day, lol)… i might go to the shop tonight to clean, organize. fuck, here we go again lol

have fun at the fair fool… Sell something

So you broke a motor, tranny, rear end and spontaneously combusted in the past year or so…and won’t give up :tup:

Low Boost Pump Gas Magic = Never ending deep pockets magic

That sucks Bill, at least the fire did not spread to the real expensive stuff.

first time im seeing the pics.

so this is what happened when i answered ur call and all u said was “my car is on fire…oh shit i gotta go” :frowning:

Just heard about this today - that’s a pile. Sorry to hear. But -

I tink, I tink heez right :smiley:

dang man, that really sucks

when i was in hs a friend had an old 60’s truck he had swapped with an ls or lt or something idk. he was working on a fuel line when he ran to the store to get some parts. his dad came out and went to move the car like he always did to get his car out of the driveway and the pump primed and shot fuel everywhere,the car was engulfed in flames. the truck was a total loss, but his dad was ok thankfully

he built a 49 merc after that. the thing is siiqqq

it could have been much worse than that… still sucks though. best of luck

minor setback, could’ve been alot worse, props to quick think’in. Glad no one got hurt. Auto, tub’s & slicks ftw:pimp:

thanks guys… yup its not that bad…

OT- Dan, did i see you truckin down near Ischua on Monday? I was driving our firetruck back, and through the construction zone someone looked in at me and i could of sworn it was your face! ya/no?

yup, had that run 3 times last wk, didn’t recognize u, too busy bounc’in off the ceiling, lol

It’s coming back to me now, I do remember lookin over, did’nt recognize u, have’nt seen u in forever.

i probably looked extremely disgusted. our 1hr hike back took almost 2 due to construction, SLOOOWWWW DRIVERS, and DOT painting lines in the road. i wasn’t very happy. not to mention i was trying to fit a 10ft wide, $200k firetruck in between 5ft wide cones in the road lol



this one is sexy :slight_smile:

price is AWESOME, but it’s in san diego. its a '98 which is fine, but the miles are high (again, no biggie since it will have all my sub 5000mile parts anyway, but something about getting into a car with over THREE times my previous miles irks me.

also don’t think the guy painted the jams either which isn’t cool.

either way, still need to wait for my check and the green one is high on my list

it’s gay bill and you know it, go green and save the planet

you can never drive my car again dick!