I have a Phillips 27in Flat screen TV. My stupid cat jumped up on it today and it turned itself off. Now it wont turn on at all. I found a lot of people online that had a similar problem and it was a fuse. I pulled it apart and the fuse is fine. Does anyone fix TVs or know what the problem can be?

drop the tv on the cat and see if he turns on, then they’ll be even :tup:

No. Typically for a TV that size you could probably replace it for what it costs unless it’s something simple like a broken wire/fuse.

How hard did the cat land on the TV?

My vote goes for tv on cat!

TV on Cat X3

This is what you do…

Go buy another identical TV and then return the broken one! Shady? Yes, but it gets your TV fixed!! I’ve done it with my PS2 like three or four times. Probably one of the reasons Media Play is out of business.

you would have to probably open it up and check for loose wiring, probably hte main cuplrit

but I am definiily liking the ‘TV on cat’ idea, with pics of course!

The cat didnt land hard on it. He jumped up on top of it from behind it

if it is a CRT - just watch for discharge from the electron gun - it’s really not fun at all :slight_smile:

i was just gonna say the same thing.

you WILL be hurt badly

I say a Wire! Weird how a Cat breaks it from just jumping onto it!