UB class?

Im going to ub in the fall , and i want to sit in on a class over the summer not for credit just to review / get ahead. Is this allowed? I tried searching their website but could’t find anything.

you would have to just talk to the teacher on the first day.

some let it others dont

im sure that would be no problem, if its a lecture hall class just show up, no one will know the difference

just roll up to knox 20 or 104 and walk in. 350 person classes, noone will notice

What class? You can audit a class, but that may cost money.

There are better ways to review than by sitting in on a class at UB. I don’t think I learn much by attending lecture at UB.

what classes? your better off getting the lecture notes from someone that took the class.

What major are you looking to “get ahead” in?

Its probably not worth it. If it is a lecture you can just pop in and no one will notice.

UBE101. sucks. but whatever it might help

fuck that… Just go into the class. if its a common class just go for it

calc III its a 45 person class. would that be in a lecture hall or a class room

thats gonna be in a classroom, but its not like hes going to go around the class and ask for names and shit or count up all the students. Just sit and listen.

oh and learning about the saddle BLOWS. That is not my idea of enjoying summer time lol.

:lol: Why punish yourself like that? If you actually do try to audit it, one of 2 things will happen:

  1. You will hate it so much by the time the real semester starts that you will bomb the actual class.
  2. You will go twice, realize how much it sucks and that you could be outside enjoying the 3 months of bad sledding known as summer in Buffalo, and stop going.

Take calc III with Ramachandran in the fall. I know he’s teaching it. I looked.

He has a really bad attitude in class, but his review sheets cover textbook problems that are exactly like the test.

Oh and he grades the exam in front of you during office hours, so if you go to class and sit in the front, maybe ask a question or two, he will be nice when grading.

first response should have been “Does not exist.”

jsut sit in the class… if you want calc three materials i think i have the book still

you might not want to bother… if you are sitting in the class late… it all works on each other from what you learn in the beginning

if you havent taken calc in a while you really should review before jumping into calc 3, multivariable is a bitch.

just because a class is in knox 20 or nsc225 doesnt mean anything if its over the summer, ive been in knox 20 with 20people . just an fyi also the teachers have those stupid rosters with your picture on it… since learning names was too difficult