ub3r n00b

ummmmm welcome lol

welcome. Yeah i’ve seen you around before.

:ban: for lambo doors on a sunfire. that shit just ain’t right

IBthisreallyisn’tan00b :slight_smile:

In the event that this is a serious thread, I must ask what has Pittspeed become. I miss the good old days where someone like this would make it a total of 2 days before leaving and never coming back. And it was a good policy. How many ricers have we turned into real enthusiasts? BlackZ28 for sure, and I know there are others.

Roland :kekegay:


hell, look at my Prelude before I came on… :hsugh:

So I hear you drive a stock Maxima… So I do mods on my car, that automatically makes it rice? Thank you very much for your opinion, I take it to heart <3

For gods sake, who cares if he drives a sunfire with lambos. Its his ride and his money. Theirs no reason to be so hard on him because hes doing something that he likes. It kills me to hear so many people talking about rice and all of this other stuff. I mean sure a sunfires not a z28 or a cobra etc, but it doesnt mean that this guy still cant have a good time with what he has. :dunno: