Ugh I hate that time....

Wat. Really? This must’ve been before the CP thread.

Approximately 6 internet years prior, yes.


Does anyone actually remember where i posted the post that started the CP thread?

1 free interent to the first person who can tell me

I think I was the winner in the negative JCP.
Except Adam, who requested to be permanently at -69.

videoz thread?

raw dog it. if you are worried, plan B the next morning. best 35$ you could spend.


Fucking $50!!!


Fuck Trojan.

Always worked for me.


Saved my ass.

You haz vaginal sexytime w/romance explosion?:excited

Okay, did not mean that literally.

I should have said, it saved me from being a mommy.

Can I post pics of my GILF blowing me on the NWS section?

oh god no…

everyone… seriously, look what you’ve created here.

Along with posting about weightlifting, I also post pics of my cock quite randomly. It’s been rumored that Nicole can pick mine out of a random group of 100.

whoa its gone up. i only had to buy that once, but it was well worth it. my GTI thanks me.

im one of the fortunate ones who never got to see that… i hope i never do. im sure youve seen my “shocker” pic on here. thats about as much as im showing.

falcon punch ftmfw. fuck morning after pills.

yeah im good with the domestic violence. i have the money to pay for it, id prefer not to have restraining orders/ assault charges pending.

apparently theres something lost in the sarcasm via the intArwebz. morning after pill has been used a time or 3 by ex’s of mine.