Ugh pharmaceutical sales

:slight_smile: That’s the best post of this entire thread.

yea dumb thread…my bro does pharm sales…a good example…youve READ about cars (maybe in journals…) but there are different brands! u dono if u want a nissan or a honda or a toyota…so a sales person pushes their brand so that you throw youre money towards it…duh?

you are responsible for coffe all over my desk, dick

Alot of pharmaceutical reps also attend hospital staff meeting to educate nurses in the field… there are just so many new drugs on the market it is impossible to keep up to date on them

Roffle. It’s a little more complicated than that. :wink: However, as far as you and your brother are concerned, I guess it shouldn’t be any more complicated…

wow it’s like nothing happened that affected you at all in the past 1.5pgs, so you just skipped past it and compare drugs and cars and go on your merry way, shoving overweight children down for chicken fingers while you’re at it. if you can’t keep up a convo at the adult table, come out to the porch and have a beer with me since i don’t get it all either

but i do respect that it’s a bit more complicated than you make it out to be, and deals with ethical concern over extremely questionable experimental procedure, if you could even call it that. shady shit.

not really? there are a ton of drugs that are similar with slightly differen side effects and so on…all this person was trying to do is push their brand to the doctor…whats ethical about it? its her job? hes saying there shouldnt be sales reps, instead doctors can read up on drugs themselves?

probably not…if shes pushing drugs…shes not…if she was specializing in a very expensive product maybe…shes MAYBE making 50 grand + bonuses that do not equal anywhere near 30 extra grand a year. whore. unethical selfish bitch…

everyone worry about your own jobs.

this thread is rediculous.

they dont know anything…but, they spend a month in training and go to school everyday 8 hours a day for this month learning everything there is about the drug and all its competition…then when they start working for a month…they go BACK to learn more for another 2 weeks to make sure theyre clear on everything and to question everything else so…40hours x 6weeks is 240…240 hours of learning the drugs/competitiors? probably know nothing and deserve no money or anything more than ignorance towards their jobs/lives on a car forum from someone that obviously never researched it more than an observation at a doctors office once :bloated:

Do you mean “unethical?”

I don’t think you understand how a rep’s actions can affect the prescribing behavior of physicians.

but are you going to trust your physician to make the call?

or the FDA?

Is lying unethical when it is not in the best interest of the patient, but rather the company?

no…quote ghettostyleta

if u dont trust your physician, you shouldnt be going to them


im not hating you corey, or arguing you personally, just your view on this :slight_smile:
its good to question this sort of thing, but…iiii think more people assume things in this field…such as pay and people being selfish money making bastards.

these are normally signs of jealousy due to not aspiring to make money at a good job. but whatever…no one is forcing doctors to buy a drug…theyre pushing their product because its their job…all a saleperson goes in for is a signature from the doctor stating they did a good job and did what they were supposed to…its up to your doctor…blame your doctor for whatever happens to you if you were prescribed wrongly…and if u dont trust them like i said, find a new doctor.

Whereas, a doctor goes to school for 7 to 8 years.

Then 2-10 for residency depending.

Or a pharmacist who goes for 6-8 years.

Or a nurse who goes anywhere from 2-7 years.

Or a physicians assistant for 4-6 years.

Or a somebody going to graduate school in a related subject…well we won’t go there. That’s a lifetime. That’s why they are called experts. That’s my goal…

So tell me, why is the individual that has gone to school for only a month teaching the people that are learning for a lifetime? I suppose they’re only focusing on one drug. However, do these people have the background to fully understand the biochemical and pharmacological aspects of the drugs they are selling? Are they even getting a fair and balanced education on the drugs?

Why, K Cuv, you know what they call your tactic? Attacking the messenger. If it makes you feel better–by all means go for it.

the company who makes the drug knows all of the info on this…the reps get taught to tell doctors and say what they’ve been told…so really YOURE attacking the messenger :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh god…

I’ve already pointed you in the direction of information that shows that sometimes the studies performed by the pharmaceutical companies are not scientific.

That’s the major problem. :slight_smile:

i think he’s saying two things:

  1. more training for sales reps. perhaps even a master’s level degree devoted to this field.

  2. better standards for the experiments that lead up to conclusions on the drugs’ actual effectiveness. this doesn’t have anything to do with the sales rep, but i think it’s a point he’s making, and i understand.

calm down a bit, i think you’re taking a lot of this thread personally b/c your bro’s a sales rep.

not personal…its not my job…im just seeing people say thigns that are…wrong… whatever …im at my job and im going to worry about my job

i just caught this. is that pointed at one of us, or where’d it come from?

no one in particular…normally when people bitch about how much someone else makes…this is what happens :gotme:

and the argument about how long doctors go to school for vs. sales reps? who cares? they SHOULD. the sales reps arent deciding what drugs you take are, the doctors are. for the tenth time they are just saying “hey this is what my product does” therefore the doctors can use their years of schooling to good use and decide what they want their patients to use. i guess i just dont get your point.

I don’t really care about how much they make. This world is full of overpaid and underpaid people, but that’s life…

actor-observer bias. bha.

I linked 3 studies a few posts back. You can see evidence showing that reps do affect the prescribing behavior of physicians whether it be intentional or otherwise. Obviously it does, because they wouldn’t be doing it if it didn’t. Bottom line: this is not in the best interest of the patient.

Neither is direct-advertising to patients (“ask your doctor if it’s right for you”), but it’s done, isn’t it?

So unless you ban all of these, then effectively nothing will change - and if we do, then we’ll have to figure some other way to incentivize companies to develop new drugs. In the end, it’s still all about the dollar, and if a company doesn’t have a real marketable product (and most of the easy ones are already off patent), it will never make enough money.