Uh... did I just get dissed?

I’m actually thinking of upgrading to an STi as a daily car.

Either STi or G35.

Leaning more towards the G35 since its so much cheaper than STis.

only reason i bought ym 240 is cause i couldnt afford an s2000

Meh, just thought i would share. Thought it was funny.

It’s so annoying to hear some of you to just say how any of you would trade your car just like that. Sad and heartless. I love 240s/180s/silvias. That’s why I’m on this forum not because i cant afford an FD or an EVO or Skyline, but because I love these cars and the people of Son.

Now for the guy on the wrx hes a plain retard. “want a lighter?” honestly he’s lucky your a nice guy and mature enough to walk away. I would’ve invited him to the track.

Fobwall-(But it’s RWD! Ya. That doesn’t mean shit.) and being a wrx or sti or anything else does that mean something?
And Tdot240
“He doesnt even have a nice car” its a very nice car that’s lighter then the sti and alot of ppl would prefer it over the STI.

oo and GTS “Both you and the Subaru driver should grow up” -1 for you
thats just the most useless post ever. You try to be smart and witty but you fail misarably. I cant see being more tdot being anymore mature then he was in that situation. In in terms of posting it here that what the forum is for.

[QUOTE=Re Ameyami;360747]It’s so annoying to hear some of you to just say how any of you would trade your car just like that. Sad and heartless. I love 240s/180s/silvias. That’s why I’m on this forum not because i cant afford an FD or an EVO or Skyline, but because I love these cars and the people of Son.


I can wait for the guy to pick up and pay for my Nissan so I can get my new Subaru. Go Legacy :smiley:

Show us your 240/180 if you’re so proud of it. Or are you someone that wants a 240 and doesn’t have one? Cause every 240 owner will admit that they do want something else. If you don’t, you’re lying to yourself.

You just contradicted everything you said after that. So much for loving the people of Son eh?

LOL well i tried haha.

We should go ahead and release shirts “Son Ruined My Life”

Show us your 240 please.

Lol Mark haha sorry, i wrote that wrong I meant i love 240s. But i’m not saying that i don’t want any other cars, i love other cars just as much but i wouldn’t trade one for another. Mark don’t you remember me and shawren came to see you at dunnville with mike, Ivan big Russian guy lol.

Now in terms of me owning cars and driving. First of my license is suspended so i can’t drive right now. I always like german cars and had a audi 90 and a4 but then due to circumstances i bought a 89 240sx and fell in love with it more then any m3 m5 s4 and lots of other cars i love. That 240 was THE BIGGEST POS ever rust everywhere i had a piece of wood covering the rust hole in the back seat floors, horrible chain rattle basically evrything thas wrong with 240s was wrong with that one lol but it was my most favorite car in the world.

But next week I’ll have a beautiful 180sx and I’ll be sure to post pics of it.

Sorry mark i don’t have any maybe konvokiller would have some from when he’s car was black we had some pics together

OOO and Yes i love people of Son because the most people that i know helped me immensely with everything i ever needed.


It’s like babysitting.

The WRX is a good car.

Funny, your direct reply to me earlier in this thread, and then you post this.

Oh, the irony.

And yea, both the OP and the Subie driver need to grow up. Seems like everyone is crying out for attention these days, if the OP didn’t want attention, why did he post this thread? Nothing more than an attention cry it seem. That, and the possibility of the winter blues and the ever recurring “winter bullshit posts” of SON.

You guys make the work day go by so fast

only reason i got my 240 is so i can drift. if i dont drift i wuld be driving a s2k or gs400 or a sti.

240sx are CHEAP and easy to modify . like some ppl. MY CARS THE BESTTTT!!!

I said what I said earlier trying to stop the thread from going to shit.

Happened anyway, which is why I said it’s like babysitting.

And yea, both the OP and the Subie driver need to grow up. Seems like everyone is crying out for attention these days, if the OP didn’t want attention, why did he post this thread? Nothing more than an attention cry it seem.

Geez, I dont care for any attention, this happened and i figured you would all enjoy this story, why does every action have to be labled? Sheesh, just stop the thread now, jerks…


I’d say that in the end, you didn’t get dissed by the wrx owner but by a whole bunch of sonlings.


That’s how i feel when i see you post whoring all over every thread on son, non stop. :wink: