Uh... did I just get dissed?

Seems more appropriate after my comment lol

:fnf2: That was a good call.lol SON rules hahaha

Only reason this, only reason that.
Well you’re on a 240sx CLUB site,
if your 240sx was just an “Oh, I couldn’t afford that, so I got this.”
Why the hell are you on this site?
Plus, some of us dread to OWN a 240, but clearly can’t afford it due to insurance.

Btw, the sti guy was just being a dick.
It is far too hard to fully understand what he was saying.
He probably wanted to ask you if you wanted a lighter to put it near the exhaust so the car would blow up.
That is the typical WRX owners’ (or people who don’t know anything) knowledge of cars.

I think your on to something, maybe the OP has a fart can and the wrx guy was asking if he wanted a light in order to fart blue angles? 1/2 of the modded wrx’s our there have fart cans as well…

To defend some wrx guys, some are just as dumb as 240sx owners. It doesn’t matter what type of car it is, some people are just plain mechanically dumb… Mind you, they could be book smart…

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240s are no better than WRXs… I wouldn’t try to diss the guy based on the fact that he was driving a WRX. Keep in mind that you are obviously biased towards your 240 being better since you own one…

Most 240 owners seem to be in their own world because they think they are better than everyone else. (But it’s RWD! Ya. That doesn’t mean shit.)

Maybe he was telling you to lighten up?

Dont forget, are cars can get passed by mopeds in the winter. Darn rear wheel drive cars and the snow.

Subaru has mastered the winter and rally driving.

If you really feel bad, go key the jackasses car. Thats how we roll in the scarbs

You backing down after you wrote all that stuff in your previous post really disappointed me… i was not expecting that. It seemed so serious and then you just LOL and brush it off…


And anyone who keys someones car is a bitch.


lol dude was being a a-hole. i love my 180sx, and i love subi’s too…i mean i personally wouldn’t look twice at a wrx, but a sti i will, a s2000 i will. Pretty much any car as long as its tasteful. For someone to say that to you is disappointing. What If you can only afford a 240? …ah well…i have never personally heard to my face anything negative about my car.

uhhh… No. It isnt.

Dont think I know anyone thats bitch enough to key someones car

It just sounds like the guy driving the WRX was trying to razz you. I wouldn’t worry about it dude. Everyone has their own opinions, just some people feel the need to impose their opinions on people in more harsh ways than others. Let him think what he wants…as long as you love your car, what others say shouldn’t take a huge impact on you. Just forget about it, happy motoring :D!

Huh? I stand by everything i say


this thread is all win lol

But the guy was an ass… you know what he needs, is to be proven what a dumbass he is and how shitty his car AND NOT AS GREAT as he thinks it actually is. A lightly much cheaper stock engine 240sx can give a stock and even lightly tuned wrx a run for its money with both drivers being equivalent, no im not talking out of my ass, but plenty guys do it down in the states… just basic boltons like exhaust and what have you, good clutch, coilovers, light flywheel, driveshaft, adjustable arms and 255s front and rear… stripped interior, stock power more or less 130whp-ish… i think we could be handing the lil white boy a lighter in return. Yes yes, it wont be as ‘civil’ as stock/lightly moded wrx but who cares when ur on track. Really check what guys do down in the states with their 240s, its awesome. subarus are nice cars, just not as nice as their owners think, and it seems alot of local wrx owners are dickheads with egos (no no… not everyone but guys who actually dont nkow jack about cars but just ‘have a wrx’ to talk shit about with).

Don’t worry about it, guys who talk shit like that dont really care about owning cars, they care about showing off and talking shit. Just losers, ignore it :slight_smile:

And… Here. we. go.



I love how Ahmed is so biased and is talking about his own car. And he always has to mention people from the states. lol

Your car is gay…

And Mark, for once…I actually Lol’d

not to mention every post is always edited…for once i’d like to see the original.

Hey, I just got dissed, First time in almost 7 years :smiley: I feel so special.

“Also, bensons car looks like ass because it has an 89-90 240sx lip on a silvia front end, side skirts, then no rear aero. Mirrors, a-pillars and roof painted red.”

I’m glad I made you lol. :slight_smile:

And yeah, Ahmed edits every post he makes like 15 times. lol